ooh, you make me live (AO3 Link) – Rory and Paris spend Valentine’s Day 2020 apart. (Or at least try to.)
(Thank you for the prompt! It is always so wondrous to spend some time with my forever faves.)
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Me: A new f/f movie with recognizable stars and a proper budget, awesome!
Me also: Okay, but a movie about an established couple where one has to come out to her family is not a silly holiday romcom! A silly holiday romcom needs to have people falling in love, with a meetcute or some other trope like fake dating, and they’re the main characters . Instead, like with Lez Bomb and Jenny’s Wedding, a coming out movie makes the person coming out and their family the main parties.
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Me: A new f/f movie with recognizable stars and a proper budget, awesome!
Me also: Okay, but a movie about an established couple where one has to come out to her family is not a silly holiday romcom! A silly holiday romcom needs to have people falling in love, with a meetcute or some other trope like fake dating, and they’re the main characters . Instead, like with Lez Bomb and Jenny’s Wedding, a coming out movie makes the person coming out and their family the main parties.
reminder that you can ask me to tag anything. it doesnt have to be a serious trigger. seriously, if it just mildly annoys you and you dont want to see it i will tag it.
reminder that you can ask me to tag anything. it doesnt have to be a serious trigger. seriously, if it just mildly annoys you and you dont want to see it i will tag it.
Because while everyone is worrying so much about Leo with his four nominations and no wins, no one’s starting a meme for Amy Adams with her FIVE nominations and no wins.
Because Leo’s four nominations equal a significant fraction of the fourteen times black actors and and actresses have actually WON since the inception of the Academy Awards.
Because it’s insulting as hell to the winners to imply Leo should have won before considering two of those losses were due to black actors taking home Best Actor Oscars. (His first loss was to Tommy Lee Jones in “The Fugitive.” Good luck beating that role.)
Because when everyone was whining about Leo not getting his fourth nomination for “Django Unchained,” everybody was ignoring the bullshit behind Samuel L. Jackson not getting his second nomination after nineteen years for the same damn movie and an equally great performance.
Because it’s another year of all-white Best Actress nominees, a category which has had literally only ONE black winner in its entire history.
Because even Kate freakin’ Winslet didn’t win until her fifth nomination.
Because the same damn actors being nominated over and over and OVER again for these awards is a problem, not because they deserve more awards, but because it means smaller movies and unknown actors and better-acted roles can get ignored because, you know, Meryl Streep was in another movie this year. (And I adore Meryl Streep, but … yeah.)
Because it’s like a symbol of what the main problem with the Academy has been for years — that the Academy is a white boys’ club, and the fact that the Internet is so desperately worried that a white man might not win an Oscar that they turned it into a popular fucking meme just encourages the Academy to keep carrying on with their racist, sexist bullshit.