major plothole or just confirmation that Sergio is a creep: Lupe asked who Sergio was when he and Val went to her house about Juls kidnapping, rewind to a day before where he says to Juls that he went after her in her house and Lupe told him where she was. Add to that the fact Juls never told him where she lived but the narrative at the moment didnt make Juls question his sentence

Oh, yeah! He knew where she lived by following her and nobody even addresses that. That specifically was probably a plothole (because otherwise the show would call attention to it) but I could believe he’s just being a creep and following her. Why not? She deliberately didn’t tell him where she lived before when he was dropping her off, so he went around her and had Val show him. And then of course following her to Silvina’s house (as well as later going along with Lucho to the house in Valle). He badmouths Val to Juls frequently, for no reason.

He constantly goes past boundaries and then is mildly apologetic about it and is forgiven.

It’s not that people can’t do bad things in shows, it’s that his actions are always framed as a good guy making a mistake for which he should be forgiven, instead of someone deliberately doing things he knows are wrong and then getting an almost immediate free pass.