Idk what happened tonite Bc I’m still on a break/ just keeping up thru Twitter but overall no one is actually saying what happened, everyone just seems very meh about it all lol. Im kinda bummed it seems like there was a mediocre resolution to a very (imo) shitty plotline. I too am ready for some good quality content that the show started out with, I can’t handle the bad and mediocre writing after all that gold we got first lol

Oh, I get that, for sure.

It was actually…really low key. Juls explained it pretty succinctly, she did actually mention leaving home and not being in a good place, Val was pretty hurt, did call her out suddenly now drinking and and did ask if Juls liked it, which she adamantly denied. Their next scene was with them returning with Sergio from Lucho’s funeral and there was this super weird and terrible hug between all three of them as Sergio kept crying, until Chivis took him away. Uh, then for some reason, Juls took Val aside to explain her dad being Beltran and the whole transmigration thing. And then there was a long talk where basically Val was like, I still need space and Juls was like but we can be friends, can’t we, and the scene ended with Val returning the handhold she’d kind of rejected before. 

As much as it did turn out to be what people were expecting, with Juls explaining, Val understanding but still hurt, I think what has some people meh about it was how it wasn’t really as direct a talk as they usually have? Val seems super hurt but Juls doesn’t really seem to be getting that, or why? Neither’s communicating well, really, and getting to the root of their feelings. Val’s not saying, actually, it hurt me that you did this because of this and Juls isn’t saying, this wasn’t a reflection of how I feel for you, my first thought after was of you and I regretted it the moment it happened. If there’s one thing we know about Juliana Valdes, it’s that she picks up on hurt Val like no one else and it’s not even that she felt she couldn’t comfort her as the cause of her hurt, she genuinely does not seem to get why Val would consider it a big deal. Which, considering the writers wrote this whole thing, at least address that!

I don’t know if they’ll take it forward or if they’ll consider this basically resolved. I think all the storylines are going to be a bit rushed now and tbh, it doesn’t ruin anything for me and I’m not particularly disappointed about it, I feel like it hit the salient points it needed to. Juls explained why, Val heard the reasons and was allowed to stay hurt even if she understood, which I thought was important, and it ended on a positive note for them. And within the show, it’s still not stretching the bounds of credulity. Juls is a total newbie at this and as @karatam pointed out, her only other experience with romantic love is her parents. Who…one of them is attacking the other in tomorrow’s episode and she breaks a bottle over his head. If anything, Juls has so far been almost too wise and adept at things, considering the total rookie she is, not just as an 18-year-old or virgin, but given that background.