in the scene where mary goes out in front of the group for the adriel fight, she kind of shuffles ava and camila out of the way and i just noticed that beatrice is reaching out to touch ava when that happens ugh my heart

Oh, hmm. As much as I’d love for that to be the case (I’d never deny an extra Soft Avatrice moment), I feel like she’s reaching for Mary?


I kind of love that too! That she also instinctively wants to protect Mary! Each character has a specific, distinct dynamic with everyone else (except Camila, who kind of only has one with Beatrice, lol, hoping that changes next season!), so even though Mary is the Badass, Bea still feels responsible and protective. I love that. :>

warrior nun finale got me fucked up

They just set up the big finale and then stopped right before it! You’d think even if they wanted to go for a cliffhanger, they’d let the battle progress more and stop when everyone had taken some major hits and were on the verge of losing. I thought maybe it was a budget issue but apparently Simon Barry said that when he took the script to Netflix, they were like, how about stopping it a little earlier? So maybe it’s an encouraging sign, where it’s kind of implicitly promising a second season already (unless the show does abysmally, which it doesn’t seem like it’s doing?). 

Unless you meant the whole final reveal, in which case, never trust a fictional angel. 😛

Now I can say that it was a recommendation and a great one! I did love warrior nun. The only thing was the final scene. But love everything. Thank you

Yay! I’m glad you liked it. As a general rule, if you liked it, it was a recommendation, if you didn’t, it was just me talking about a thing I liked, you didn’t have to watch it!. 😛

Heh, that ending. They didn’t even climb to the top of the cliff to have that be a cliffhanger. Hopefully they’ll get another reason and we can see how it turns out!