Hi, it’s me the anon that ‘Ask’ about the story of Sister Melanie. Just WOW ( ^ 0 ^ ) you really created a GIF set about that. Seeing the comparison side by side like that is making me ship Ava and Beatrice more and more LOL
Hi, anon! It was a really great observation, I’m so happy you thought of it! And I know, I’m trying to not let myself sink too deeply into that, but it’s simply canon fact that without even knowing the halo would kick in, when Ava saw Beatrice under threat from a GUN, she RAN TOWARD IT with no intention but to interfere somehow even if that meant putting herself in harm’s way.

It was in fact the halo that surprised her (and all of them) and saved her from jumping straight into the path of the bullets. She’s hardly at the stage of (near) invincibility where she’s going to instinctively seek out that kind of damage, even if the halo HAD been able to absorb that kind of damage, she’s not nearly at that point yet, this was just her.
And the person she did that for is Beatrice. Sure, maybe it’d have been for anyone. But it wasn’t.
I’m really liking the AvaXBeatrice ship and I’m really excited for Warrior nun to get more seasons. So I was re-watching EP08 and I just noticed that in the story of Sister Melanie, something similar happened to Ava in EP07 when Beatrice almost got shot and Ava saved her with a blast from the Halo almost draining her of the Halo’s energy. So I think her feelings for Beatrice will play a huge part in awakening Ava’s true powers in the future :)
Ohhh, that’s true, I saw it as Ava saving a friend, but the way you describe it, that is technically exactly what happened, Ava almost emptying the Halo to save Beatrice, in this fancy slow mo shot.
Hmmm, hmmmmmm. You’re so right. My original takeaway of the reading in EP08 had been what Bea’s had been, that once you deal with your own personal demons (heh), you’ll get what you need, and in this case, that’ll be to get through the 20 feet of stone. But Bea’s reading was influenced by her own association with Sister Melanie’s journey and the same breakthrough by proxy she had. In terms of what had been described, this wave of energy bursting out suddenly, that’s what happened when Ava saved Bea! Tbh, I don’t know–I don’t think they wrote that intentionally? But it’s certainly a super curious and interesting coincidence and I can’t really be sure…
Gosh, it would be SUPER interesting if they pursued that in the second season. Most likely they won’t, but I’ll hope.