a couple of tumblr functions if you didn’t know about them:
you can make tags on an individual blog display from the earliest to latest post by adding /chrono to the end, for example: http://gameofgifs.tumblr.com/tagged/season_202/chrono
you can search through a tumblog by date using “http://username.tumblr.com/day/YEAR/MONTH/DAY”, for example: http://gameofgifs.tumblr.com/day/2012/09/16
you can view just the photo posts on your dashboard in mosaic form by going to http://www.tumblr.com/photos
you can save ask messages to your queue or drafts by hovering your mouse over the publish button and holding down “alt”, which will bring up alternative options
by using the url “http://www.tumblr.com/show/type of post” you can filter your dash, for example “http://www.tumblr.com/show/photos” will show only photos
you can retrieve previously used themes via the theme recovery page: http://www.tumblr.com/themes/recover
when reblogging a long text post (like this one!), click on the “as” at the top of the post to reblog as a text post, link or quote
a couple of tumblr functions if you didn’t know about them:
you can make tags on an individual blog display from the earliest to latest post by adding /chrono to the end, for example: http://gameofgifs.tumblr.com/tagged/season_202/chrono
you can search through a tumblog by date using “http://username.tumblr.com/day/YEAR/MONTH/DAY”, for example: http://gameofgifs.tumblr.com/day/2012/09/16
you can view just the photo posts on your dashboard in mosaic form by going to http://www.tumblr.com/photos
you can save ask messages to your queue or drafts by hovering your mouse over the publish button and holding down “alt”, which will bring up alternative options
by using the url “http://www.tumblr.com/show/type of post” you can filter your dash, for example “http://www.tumblr.com/show/photos” will show only photos
you can retrieve previously used themes via the theme recovery page: http://www.tumblr.com/themes/recover
when reblogging a long text post (like this one!), click on the “as” at the top of the post to reblog as a text post, link or quote