thepurpletentacle said: I only just saw this post. YES. Dead Like Me, Wonderfalls [still particularly bitter about THAT cancellation] and Pushing Daisies. Versus Glee. GLEE. Which I watch with growing resentment at the quality of the writing. SIGH.

Yes! Yes. There could be the argument that RM paid his dues with Popular, but really, its second season blew. It couldn’t compare to Wonderfalls. And Glee certainly doesn’t compare to Pushing Daisies, which is near the pinnacle of television.

Even if Pushing Daisies were still around, I’d dislike the direction Glee’s going in, but to have one and not the other… I like ya, April Rhodes, but you are no Olive Snook.

thepurpletentacle said: I only just saw this post. YES. Dead Like Me, Wonderfalls [still particularly bitter about THAT cancellation] and Pushing Daisies. Versus Glee. GLEE. Which I watch with growing resentment at the quality of the writing. SIGH.

Yes! Yes. There could be the argument that RM paid his dues with Popular, but really, its second season blew. It couldn’t compare to Wonderfalls. And Glee certainly doesn’t compare to Pushing Daisies, which is near the pinnacle of television.

Even if Pushing Daisies were still around, I’d dislike the direction Glee’s going in, but to have one and not the other… I like ya, April Rhodes, but you are no Olive Snook.