Ugh I just finished watching the wilds and that cliffhanger!!! (I really hope we don’t get a repeat of tbh and that’s where the show ends :/ ) Gotta say all the characters ended up growing on me, even the ones I thought wouldnt like Fatin, speaking of Fatin her storyline pissed me off the most, in the sense that I felt SO bad for her I mean her dad screwed up royally and yet….

Ugh, I know, TBH is still the one cancellation I’m mourning hardest from this year. I’m not sure of the chances for s2 for this one, I feel like Prime has more money to play with than other networks at the moment and it’s gotten good reviews but maybe not that buzz~? It’s their first YA so they may decide to stick with it for now, instead of trying with another, Netflix’s approach.

What, you didn’t think you’d like–well, remembering Fatin in the very first ep, on the plane…okay, she did put across a certain aggressively clueless vibe, but I adored her soon enough. And yeah, the unfairness of her backstory rankled, but that’s desi culture for you. >_> Well, really, any image-first culture. 

I dont really think the boys will be very important to the plot. I feel like they are simply the comparison group that suposed to prove that in the exact same situation boys will act out while girls will raise up to the challenge and show how much more equiped they are to handle hard situations. So i think maybe they may show a few scenes with them just to compare but i dont count on much more. Btw at this point i feel like they are treating the girls as a failed experiment

Oh, hmm, a failed experiment…well, heh. I dunno, I feel like what they wanted to prove…but did they get enough data. Actually, until the control group finishes, they can’t really verify anything.

The thing about the boys is that I do absolutely think they can deliver a group of relatable, likable boys with their own issues, some similar, some diametrically opposite (e.g., how the patriarchy handles prom), but the issue with that is they’re always going to be considered replacements for the girls. It won’t be an entirely new show with this setting, which, that’s it’s own thing, but at least you’d know what you’re getting into with that, in this case it’ll be a deliberate choice to shift focus and priority away from the girls on this female-centric show. 

Especially because I don’t think the boys will fail, I think the point of the show is that, maybe they’ll get into more physical fights, but overall they’ll ultimately end up similarly. So…I dunno, will we start on the boys and then slowly integrate what’s going on with the girls, have them be rescued and them meeting? Once the groups mix, that changes the dynamic of the show completely.

I binged The Wilds because of your posts and now I’m empty, that ending was a set-up for a second season and it’s kind of a bummer we may have to wait a whole year or expect for it to be cancelled but, what were your thoughts on the series? Who was your favorite character? What was your favorite scene? I don’t know, I always look forward to whatever you have to say!

Yeah, gonna have to wait for a while…but I wonder if it helps that it was shot in NZ, which is honestly such a covid haven at the moment (knock on wood)? Maybe they still have to do the same tests and safety measures as other sets, I don’t know. But I’d also think being so outdoors for much of the story can only help. Too bad a bunch of the rest of the story is now in small dungeon-like rooms. 😡

I…thought it was a pretty engrossing watch, if you could get past some stuff (the YA vibes, how dark and traumatic some of the stories were). You know I’m always about character and this delivered that in spades

Favorite character? Martha’s mom. Not even joking, heh, she just radiated so much love for her daughter and compassion in general. But obviously you mean favorite island girl…I have such a hard time picking, I like different things about everyone, it’s so hard to pick just one and makes me feel disloyal, but I in this case, overall, I would say Fatin just brought me so much joy in general. But then I’m like, well, Dot, and then I can’t leave out Martha, and then it just continues from one to the next, like, I haven’t mentioned Toni or Shelby yet but of course I liked them too! I liked everyone, except I’m not sure I’ve entirely forgiven [the second mole]. It is hard to forgive someone who saw EVERYTHING they suffered, day in and day out, the food-poisoning, Fatin seemingly missing, people just starving and traumatized even without all that, and didn’t just end it.

And thank you! Thanks for letting me talk about it. 🙂

The wilds was well wild haha but I really liked it! Hope it gets a season 2 and still focus on all the girls, cuz all of them are great. The way you get attached to every single girls some more than the others (Fatin FTW!) but you are in the end rooting for all of them.Also loved the buildup between Shelby and Toni! Wish we could have seen more… I’m so so hoping for a S2!

Lol, it was wild. And definitely, we spent all this time on getting to know these girls, I don’t want a perspective shift at all! And truly, the way you get to learn and care about all of them even with their very different backgrounds and stories and ways of handling things, nobody being 100% perfect or 100% awful, you truly did want to root for them all. So many different friendships and dynamics, even aside from the two sisters, the two best friends, and then the two lovahs. 😛

I am SUPER curious about what happened from that last kiss to the interviews… And there’s so much plot left, how’re they going to escape, how’re they going to expose them, what will their families do, etc. I do hope Toni/Shelby are still a thing in s2, as well. 😮

I actually enjoyed Shelby + Toni, especially the final scene they had together because it was so soft.You felt a huge amount of growth when they reached that the moment because Toni was being so calm about everything because for once she was being the optimistic one out of the two of them. I’m interested to see what happens with them if further seasons are commissioned (let’s be honest, with how it ended you’re gonna need more than more season to unpack all of that!). We know they both survive the island (although that ending ?). So presumably there will some sort of written progress for their relationship (something implied when they thought Shelby wanted to see Toni). I will say, I’m not a big fan of the fact that there is a boy island. I get the idea behind it as being something that will fail, aka a Lord of The Flies type presentation. But I just feel at that point there will be too many characters that some will then get lost (whether killed off or screen time reduced).

Yeah, as I’ve always said, even the scenes that aren’t Romantic are still part of the ship and dynamic, and they had a lot of scenes even before…you know.

And you know, I’m not sure if Toni was entirely optimistic so much as fatalistic, but I guess it’s the same in those circumstances. I really do want to see what happened between that and the interviews, including the whole rescue?? But Shelby changed quite a bit, so what else happened? And where’s Martha?

There’s definitely lots of content for another season, even without the boy island. Which! I don’t think it will fail, I think the point of the show is that girls/women aren’t different or Better, excepting socialization. But yes, I don’t really want to see that side of things, it can be a plot point out there but I don’t want the characters integrated like this set. As you said, that would be too many in all and too many new dynamics. I watched for these girls and now I’m invested in them, as much as I’m sure there will be interesting plots for random boys, I don’t really care that much, heh.

I think I watch too much wlw tv cos as soon as I saw Shelby and Toni going at it I was like … lesbians

Heh, I actually really like that we can now see and recognize actual buildup and tension in f/f storylines, this used to be an area in which we’d just be considered delusional for seeing any kind of subtext. And I also like that more and more, there actually is some buildup and not the writers rushing it and going there in a first ep.

And another anon:

I just finished the episode where Shelby and Toni kiss and as much as I knew it was coming/saw the build up, for me, the couple of the show should have been Rachel and Leah. Their chemistry those first few episodes was so good and even the tension I liked. It was an enjoyable season though. I did wish Fatin was the lead, she just super layered and hilarious. Also I just like how that actress played it!

Oh, I didn’t even think of that, I guess I was already waiting for Toni/Shelby, I didn’t think we’d get another pair, not even…heh, MY other pair, Dot/Fantin. I really did love Fantin, in all her laziness and unapologeticness and basic decency and kindness. The actress played her SO well, just making these dry observations, she was a joy to watch.

And another anon:

Was there a bet in the writing room of the wilds on how to make the lesbian characters more off putting? Pee, anger, dentures, shaved head. The only part of the show that i didn’t enjoy was these two, i prefer Toni with her first girlfriend they were cute and had more chemistry.

This is so uncharitable, anon. 😡 

They ALL looked messes by the end, and I’ll grant you the pee thing, lol, but anger? Especially for her background and these circumstances? Lots of them had their moments of anger, whole episodes, and by the end she was so chill. And dentures? People, even when young, can sometimes need them. There’s no need to make them even more self-conscious. And the shaved head was like, in a few scenes off the island and is just a style choice…

I feel like these are some very subjective biases you have, anon, and are stating them as general and factual. As with other recent discussions, you don’t have to like them or be attracted to them, you just have to buy that other people, including these two characters on a deserted island, would.

I did like the previous girlfriend, though! But the relationship was specifically written that way to be like, a one-ep backstory. If it was going to be a main thing, it would be written differently.