have you continued watching the OA? if so, do not, under any circumstances, let yourself get spoiled for s2!! and how are you enjoying it? Did you know it was developed aurally instead of as a written story? And when pitching to execs, the creators told the entire story aurally, acting it out over several hours? I think you can see that in the show kinda

I did finish s1 and just barely started on s2 before the week’s shows started up but lol, someone I follow has been liveblogging s2, although it’s more her feelings about it than specific spoilery things, so I’m still fairly in the dark.

I do actually remember reading that! It’s interesting, after another big Netflix cancellation and seeing more about how it renews shows, to also get an insight into how it picks up shows, because my gosh, how niche and oddball is this show. How meta, though, that it developed and was pitched the same way the story unfolds.