(closeted anon back again)Just wanted to add that it’s not like Harper and Abby were magically ok in the end, I’m glad they did away with the proposal storyline in light of everything that happened. THAT would’ve felt totally unrealistic to me to have Abby propose on Christmas morning still. In the credits you can see that they got engaged in October the following year – a full ten months of (hopefully) couple’s therapy and family counselling for Harper.

Oh, sorry, I should have combined this with your previous ask, I wasn’t sure at first which closeted anon you were but the longer ask I just answered, I’m assuming.

And yes, Clea pointed that out too, that they got engaged quite a while later and there is the assumption Harper and the couple’s issues aren’t all cleared up immediately. But I kind of wish they’d saved the proposal for the sequel, heh, although of course it was a sweet epilogue.