HELLO TDP ANON FROM LAST SEASON THAT WAS SURE AMAYA AND JANAI ARE BATTLE GFS!!! We’ve arrived!!!! My only complaint is WTF I wanted way more Amaya and Janai Bc !!!!!! Who wouldn’t!! But!!!girlfriends!!! Wow tdp sure does love to reveal gays after they’re dead tho, huh? This time in the form of Runaan. And I wanted way more of Queen Aanya, she was great in the bit we got last season. I’m actually bummed about Claudia tho. First 2 seasons made it seem like she’d stick w Soren thru anything…

Heyyyy! Everyone, this is my anon from–well, not last year, but earlier this year! Didn’t we say it’d happen? We said it’d happen! :)))

Last time we had this:


This time we got this:

Look at those smiles! Look at that contented look! They were secretly just asking to hold the other’s hand this WHOLE TIME. 😛

But yes, whole episodes without them, how rude! And they gotta stop doing that dead gay reveal. Rep that exists for moments on screen isn’t as fulfilling as they think. Mhmm, yeah, I guess they wanted to keep Aanya as like the ace in the hole?

I was…pretty angry at Claudia, heh. Like, this stuff is so clearly yikes, and that shields joke, like, haha, my brother and friends in that tiny army we’re going to annihilate, lolz.

Hey! Sorry to bother you, but where did you find the subtitles for the sign language of the Dragon Prince season 3? I can’t find any translation at all! Thanks!

Where I look for everything: Twitter. I found so many similar but slightly different versions (the first half was the same from everyone but the second was “she won’t admit it yet”, “she hasn’t confessed it yet”, “she doesn’t want to admit it yet”),

I just took it as true, instead of if it were one possibly wrong translation spread to everyone. Scrolling back through the searches, at first people only knew some of it but eventually more and more landed on the whole thing. 

THANK YOU! I knew I could not be the only person who saw Amaya and Sunfire Warrior and thought they’d make a good badass teamup couple once they both realize what’s going on. Of course then *spoiler alert* they reveal they had an actual lesbian couple and ofc they went w ~that~ plotline for them. So yes, they do owe us Amaya/Sunfire w a very dif fate lol

Apparently her name is Janai! And for real, they give me this and think I won’t ship it?

And omg, the existing lesbian couple. I was watching in shock as that all unfolded. Was I really seeing that? Were they really doing that? In a family show? In 2019? After Voltron? Surely they must have actual live canon rep on the way, to be so confident in thinking they could get away with it.