Do you know if anyone has Conspiracy Whiteboarded out exactly what moment that beside manner photo was from? We know the bit of Dani asking about who will bury Diego and her dad was a reshoot, but I *think* I see a potato chip bag in the background?

Oh, hmm, this one?

I don’t see any potato chips, that’s a phone, isn’t it? One of those old landline ones? I think it might have been before Sarah returned with the ice? So like this moment of peace between just her and Grace without terminators or pharmacists or Sarah or even Grace’s own very focused active energy when she’s awake. Once the ice had melted and Grace had cooled down, Dani was already locked out.

oooooofff dani/grace had such big queen/knight vibes and god what a waste,, mackenzie davis looking like That, Time Travel Romance, all the Love and Devotion and Protection, who are the gays behind the scenes who did this and why did the straights waste it??

Haha, I knowwww. God, I’m really upset about what it could have been, when so many ingredients for true greatness were already there. It absolutely was a queen/knight dynamic, like, literally it was soldier/general but imbued with a whole lot of extra emotion on both sides that just…weren’t maternal! At all??? 

But really, like…these movies are about the resilience of humans, right, grounding that love and concern for everyone in the love between individuals specifically. Kyle and Sarah and the John they both carried in their minds, a commander and an unborn son, then John and Sarah and the 101 even, so like, you need that love in TDF too. And faux-parental bonds are difficult to create! Especially over the length of a few days. T2 used the whole movie to build it up with a literal child, lonely and with no father at all and who had conflicted feelings about his seemingly unreliable mother, now able to trust entirely in this “adult”.

Was TDF trying to tell us that when the end of the movie happened, that the younger person, Dani, had MATERNAL feelings for Grace? That’s what we were supposed to buy to make it more emotionally effective? No! In what world would that work? And surely not the reverse, that this adult–a new adult, but an adult to be sure, with a nice father two days ago was like, Grace is my mom? Please. So then, at most, Dani is grieving for Grace as her protector, someone she realizes she sent back and who selflessly died for her. Nice, but hardly comparable to what they did in the first two.

Apparently the excuse is that they didn’t want the audience to guess that Grace knew Dani before? But like…why the hell not? Why on earth would they actually want to keep that a surprise, how did it add anything at all to the movie? Oh, you thought this was just an ordinary soldier, but it was…a soldier she knew. Wowww. Because nobody’s buying “oh, it was actually her daughter”, neither acted like that at any other point in the movie, including after, lmao. *sigh*

Instead, they could have leaned into it and had these two women, falling in love in different timelines and loops again and again, both fighting to shift time and history the smallest bit a time to keep the other safe. They coulda done that!!! They could have made the end that much stronger, that it was Dani’s love Grace dying, and gone to the next step from T1 and T2 in the way that this was BOTH of them shifting time again and again, knowing the results and working to get to an apocalypse-free timeline. It would have made for a much tighter, more focused movie that justified returning to the franchise after all these years.

Apart from the “Send Me Back” deleted scene, I’d give anything to see the scene of Dani taking care of Grace from her bedside from that photo in the card game.

I know! Well, I’d also like to see the full scene from the detention center where Dani grabs her face and then whatever happened on the pickup ride where Grace put her hand on Dani’s shoulder and she woke up, so near?? I want those!

But yes, also, they had Dani administering to Grace like THAT five minutes after they met and…they cut it? 

That degaying pass really pisses me off. :<

I am going to live and die a Grace/Dani truther. There is absolutely no way they had Grace do Kyle Reese’s tender little sleeping-against-me touch manoeuvre, WITH SARAH WATCHING, and not understand the vast aquifer of mythic scifi nerd romance they were tapping. Every Terminator geek knows that scene. It would be like having an f/f pair re-enact Romeo+Juliet’s playful aquarium meetcute and then frantically no homo-ing afterwards, it’s that level of dissonance.

Honestlyyyy! I’ve been making my friend watch T1 and T2 because she was thinking about watching TDF and I was like, uh, you need context, and again, all I can see are the parallels, the intentional ones! How Grace and Kyle arrive, the cops stumble on them, the hidden shotgun, and that’s just the beginning.

And okay, even T2 has some parallels/homages to T1, in the effectively father-son bond between that protector and John and one could reasonably say TDF is a mix of T1 and T2, where you have Dani as a resourceful but very normal young woman suddenly pulled into this world, i.e., Sarah from T1, but then also a future leader like John from T2, so the protector could go either way, a love interest or family member kinda figure, but then when you bring Sarah back into it, immediately the context does indeed jump back to her sleeping against Kyle? There’s just no other interpretation, at this point she isn’t aware of the “you raised me” exposition, so all she’s seeing are two people–Grace being a person like Kyle and not a cyborg–of similar age in the same situation as her and Kyle, she’s not like, this truly reminds me of the 101 and my son. :))

And to actually shoot that scene to highlight it, I…I tend to be pretty conservative in these assumptions, so I don’t know if a romance itself was ever on the cards, but real, strong subtext surely was. I mean, to have to go through and remove and re-edit scenes from a trailer because they were too shippy? That signals knowledge and intent to tone it down, it couldn’t have been accidental because then they’d have been like, whatever. 

I wonder if we’ll ever see all those original scenes… 

You know how sometimes you watch a movie or tv show and get a sudden reality check that, oh yeah, this ship isn’t actually canon? I watched Dark Fate again recently and every time I do I just get MORE confused about how something if it wasn’t supposed to be romantic?!?

Ugh, right?? It’s such a story built to be a romance, it truly is! Like, it’s how the whole arc worked best, it’s just what you naturally expect it to be and the impression you take away from it, these two standing against time because of love, and like, this isn’t freaking Dark, we’re not reading maternal vibes into it?? There’s loyalty and devotion but not motherhood? And especially because of the Kyle/Sarah parallels, we see it as a romance. It’s just meant to be, like, if homophobia weren’t a thing, it WOULD be. That’s all there is to it.

godddd terminator dark fate was a whole separate level of gay. they’d written the dynamic between grace and dani so beautifully that if they did end up making them a couple it would have been a great wlw storyline! it was such a sucker punch when they reveal the whole motherly thing? like WHAT? i was so sure that they’d imply that dani and grace were lovers or at least super close bbfs – that still would have been better than the mentor stuff. even my Heterosexual™ mother thought they were gay.

 I knowwww. It could have been this really cool intentional embrace of the romance, taking the original Sarah/Reese savior/protector roles and adding this element of like, timeline-shifting for each other, which is literally what it was! These two women just kept on trying to change time to save each other. That’s what the movie was! But in keeping it a mystery and then this VERY half-baked “you raised me” line while at the same time, Grace’s behavior toward her being like a dedicated solider/acolyte, it just confused everything. They spend too much time trying to both make it vague as well as try to show what it wasn’t. 

It coulda been this genre-busting timeloop-breaking new movie, still taking core elements from the first two while adding this new thing to justify the third one and make it stand on its own. And your mom wasn’t wrong, the romantic elements were there, even with scenes cut out and deleted. It was all right there…

Have you seen any side by side comparisons of Grace’s X Ray with the Rev 9 torso? I’m curious if they’re similar, or if Grace’s tech is entirely different to Legion’s.

I haven’t but I’m not sure why they would be similar? Oh, like that. I don’t think her tech looked anything like the Rev 9′s, but that doesn’t mean it’s not similar to or taken from other Legion…products. The Rev 9 is obviously some elite liquid metal thing and its base skeleton is presumably the most efficient structure for what it needs to be, something that can operate independently but also support the liquid metal for its body. But what we saw of Grace didn’t imply anything like that. The material used for her wasn’t liquid metal and the way it was structured would be similar to Wolverine, along her human skeleton.