Another “blink and you miss it” moment is when they’re in Sterling’s dads wood shop making their assignment, April actually bites her lip after looking at Sterling (you can kinda see it when when they do a close up shot of her face but its so fast you can barely catch it)

Oooh, this?


You must have rewatched a bunch, lol.

But it’s so interesting, right! Within the show and outside it, the interviews with Devon show that she at least is not necessarily playing this as something romantic, and yettttt. Like, on those rewatches, you can seeee this growing curiosity and interest on her side as well! In the big subtext ships like SC or Faberry where we can point out scenes from, say, Lena or Quinn where there’s some intense gazing and it just feels romantic, but apparently not intentionally, but then you have something like this where it’s still subtext at this stage except for an eventually reciprocated canon ship. Just fun to consider and contrast all these. 😮

Did another rewatch of Episode 8 of TBH and Sterling is absolutely adorable in that whole episode. The one thing I relate to the most with her is the panicked/worried expression she gives April when she says to her “You thought that was nothing?” She doesn’t relax or breath until April says no then you see her breath out like “thank God it wasn’t just me who felt something”

Ooof, yeah, that moment where she just stops breathing and just braces herself:


Because maybe it was, maybe she’s making too much of it and it meant nothing to April or she’s not going to acknowledge it but phew, April admits it wasn’t nothing and then we get this moment of relief.


It’s like those moments in fic where people let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding. 😛

maddie phillips’ facial expressions remind me so much of cameron diaz’s in her comedy acting style. the big green eyes also help with that.

Oh, really? It’s been so long since I’ve seen Cameron Diaz in anything but I don’t recall her being so…elastic-faced? Heh. But I do get the wide-eyed comedic part.

And another anon:

That girl that play sterling is really good actress. She really sold me her been completely in love with April after just touching her arm

She is! And yes, she was incredibly effective at seeming completely besotted with April.

just a random thought: i love blaire! she’s such a paradox haha

Lol, I do toooo. At first I was naturally drawn to Sterling, I’m such a rules-follower too, but Blair is such a good kid too. She wants to be a rebel and free-spirited but within certain rules. She’s still scandalized by smoking and wouldn’t have skipped school if not for Sterling suggesting it and has a definitive ranking of twin types and which is more impressive. She’s just a normal good kid. 🙂

Oh man that last ask.. yk blair’s mental health is definitely something I’ll keep my eye out for in season 2 (if renewed) because not only has she described herself as depressed but at times she’s also so impulsive and reckless that I really thought they were trying to hint at another MI possibly? I guess we’ll see, I do wonder what her plot line would look like in a new season since they’ve mostly left it open (unlike sterling who has the mom thing + april going on)

(The “last” ask referring to this one.)

Right, I might put some of that down to just being a teen, and contrasted against Sterling to be the more reckless, impulsive one and, well, it’s a TV show, they need to do reckless, impulsive things, but, on the other hand, they could as easily use what they’ve already written for plot. 

When she and Sterling were apologizing to each other in ep 10 outside the yogurt shop, she straight up acknowledged Sterling might be right about her causing drama because she’d rather life feel bad because of her actions and not just life feeling bad, which is a HUGE alert. That’s too specific and real to just be glossed over as TV comedy, I think. I do feel that next season while Sterling’s caught up in everything, in the quieter moments for Blair we might see this unfolding.

April “i want to ravage you” Stevens and Sterling “You could do that” Wesley would be perfect for the jealous trope, IF they are together. it’s very in character, and something good enough to add an one-episode-drama when they become this solidified, happy couple.

(Sort of follow-up to this ask.)

You’re right, you’re right, if they’re already together and it’s not like, a punishment, but instead a way for them to like Process conflict and come out stronger, for sure. It would be very fun to see how these two handle that…or anything.