did you see the news about stefania getting promoted to a series regular on station 19? feels like a gift and a curse… more maya x carina but also more time for the writers to mess them up ? also not sure what an OBGYN would be doing on a fire fighter show… i’d like to see carina get developed as a character outside of just her relationship with maya.

Haha, you described my exact thought process when I found out. Like, oh, wow, that’s great! Good for her! But wait, what will Carina do? Literally, as you said, surely that means more Marina, but what’s she gonna be doing in a professional capacity? Will it mostly be personal? If so, that’s…ominous. Please, I’d much prefer a baby emergency every week. OTHER people’s babies, just to specify. >_>

Like, even if they continued as they did in spring, with her spending way more time on S19 than Grey’s, it was’t a lot of time in itself. And it was very one-sided. And I don’t even know how they’d maintain that much unless given a specific arc, I had thought maybe they’d get a bit of a breather. But as a series regular, surely she’ll get much more, and her own growth, but how? As I think we pointed out, she hasn’t even talked to any other character on S19 except Maya’s mom… 

So yeah, my first reaction was pleased, and the upside is certainly way higher, I literally have said, right, S19 already gives her way more screentime, let us have her, but lol, I didn’t really mean it! It was the kind of wishful thinking where it implied they give us tons of good Marina content too and somehow I’m not entirely confident in that. Grey’s has her job and her brother, who’ll have his own upcoming big arc. Maybe she’ll continue to spend more time on both shows, especially if they keep doing crossovers, and it’s just a formality which show she’s the regular on? I saw that Grey’s added two others, maybe S19 had more room for a new regular, especially to replace Andy’s dad. And Marina might end up with her “home” screentime so that made it easier? 

Anyway, heh, I’m certainly intrigued! Interesting times ahead.

i sent in the first post so long ago i actually forgot until i saw it just now in the maya/carina tag, but i’m the person who said i was surprised no one died lol and like yeah quite a few people died in s3 but in greys s4 was when they started really going for the core 5 interns like the MAIN main characters so i am crossing my fingers we don’t lose anyone next season but tbh i’m 90% sure if anyone goes it’ll be jack or Travis bc they’ve run out of stories for them :/

Oh, wow, that was a while ago. But it feels like just the other day too…covid times, huh. Anyway, well, that’s kind of worrying, lol. As we both acknowledged, s3 had so many deaths, if they’re going to start biting into the core firefighter cast, that’s gonna suck. 

I wouldn’t say any character’s run out of stories, but of course that is quite different from the writers having run out of things they want to write for a character. Travis still kind of seems to have something, especially if they keep Emmett, but Jack really was treading water a bit there, mostly to be used for others’ stories. And his bonding with that little family kind of makes it worse, because unless they become much more significant, that’s not plot, that’s a bit of a goodbye. Maya just finished her big story, things are gonna be quiet for her for a while, I assume. But honestly, as much as I don’t care for Jack, they’ve all lost too much and I hope the writers realize that the viewers are themselves gonna be so exhausted and depressed in general, watching more death and grief is gonna suck.

Okay I’ll give a quick rundown of what she said about working with Danielle because the rest is too long and I don’t even go here: They ask her which of her relationships on the show she liked best, Arizona or Maya, she says that things with Maya were particularly intense, during the first table read the chemistry between them was so strong everybody fell silent for like 5 seconds, her and Danielle became friends immediately [1/2]

[2/2] she says “we loved each other from the beginning" But she uses the term for love that means more family and friends love so don’t get any ideas 😉 After that they ask if she’d consider being a main character full time on Station 19 and she goes “I don’t know what a gynaecologist would do in a fire station” but if they were to ask her she wouldn’t mind giving it a shot as long as she can keep doing what she loves. Gotta go now, did my best! Ciao a tutti

Oh wow, this is so overwhelmingly nice of you, anon! Amazingly nice and kind of you! When you don’t even go here. Just…so lovely.

I guess that decides Arizona vs Maya, as far as Carina goes, anyway. Heh, that first table read gets mentioned so often, it must have been a doozy. I wasn’t getting any ideas! ….no thanks to them, lol. Haha, that’s a great point, I think people, including me, are always like, well, all the Grey’s doctors are over all the time on S19, why can’t she be permanent, totally forgetting she’s a gyno. But we’d love to have her, all the same. Just, like, decide to become a late in life firefighter like Warren.

Thank you so much! Ciao!

I have steered away from getting invested in ships bc I try to enjoy shows w/o fandom drama but the fact that Danielle & Stef are so low maintenance and don’t need the show’s promotion to hype them up is so refreshing lol. They’ve cultivated a lot of fans by just being super interactive, genuine and fun people who enjoy each other’s company. Shondaland is lucky that they have so much hype for a ship that doesn’t get nearly enough screentime. S4 – give us the content we deserve lol.

Oh, I agree, they’re great and it’s really easy and fun to be their fans because of how engaged they are with the fandom and if the writers were smart they’d capitalize buuut at this point, after seeing so many actresses’ charisma and chemistry squandered, I try to separate it from my investment in the fictional ship. I think in this case it just so worked out that Danielle is super hard-working and engaged on SM and pulled along an admittedly totally willing and compatible Stefania, but the ship could absolutely still go south and this could fizzle out, or vice versa, and that’d be that. I mean, I’m absolutely still gonna lap up whatever content they put out, but still trying to compartmentalize, however successfully.

Just got done watching Station 19 because of your gifs but it’s so dramatic the spoilers didn’t even matter lol. Came back and basically every question I wanted answered you talked about in your tags but one thing idk if I just didn’t see, was why you didn’t like Maya with Jack. I love and want her with Carina. With Jack I’m between indifference and disgust with him but I found Jack to be way more tolerable when he was with Maya. They would for sure be too messy together right now though.

Lol, it is dramatic, isn’t it. Glad my tag essays addressed most of what you wanted to know!

Oh, I just hate Jack in general. Not for any lofty reasons, not because he’s Offensive or Problematic in any particular way, I just don’t like him. I mean, I could give you reasons but it’d be subjective, and as I’ve said, who in S19 (or Grey’s or PP) hasn’t made themselves unlikable at one point or another (except Carina, lol). 

I didn’t want him with Andy either but when the show suddenly threw him and Maya into the same scenes, I was rolling my eyes at the soapy predictability of it all, since it seemed as much to cause drama with Andy as it was to pair off a couple of mains as a m/f couple. I stopped watching when that happened so I didn’t really see how different he was with her, but when I started watching again after they broke up, he was being all snippy and catty so I was like, good riddance.

I only knew about the Dani/Stef live because of the ask you got and I don’t really watch celeb stuff like that but everything sucks and it was there and I’m actually really glad I did. Obviously celebs are people and owe us nothing but it was so nice as a black woman to see two white women speaking so frankly about their unconscious biases/racism and not be all self righteous about it? When they started I was so wary but it was interesting. Just a nice change esp from nonblack celebs.

Oh, yeah! I was nervous about it, people are revealing so much about themselves in these times. When it seemed like they were going to veer away from any discussion in favor of “distraction”, as they had already said before it started, I was actually relieved, but I’m glad when they DID bring it up, it was mostly from a place of understanding why it was happening and, as you said, acknowledging their biases and privilege and what their role was. 

Did you see Danielle’s live yesterday? She brought up Stefania so many times without being prompted and talked about the hike they went on this week and seeing her dog LOL it’s genuinely so cute to see how well they get along offscreen :’) It makes me root for Marina even more if that makes sense. The chemistry is so undeniably breathtaking that it’s almost scary lol.

Okay, so, this is from weeks ago, and I’m so sorry I didn’t answer earlier, but good lord, did you see today’s?? They DO get along well, huh. I could not have imagined being here with actresses from a ship, after getting the occasional selfie or interview. Yeah, the one with Emma was a nice surprise, the way she dropped those tidbits she knew the fans would be hanging on for, but today. :O

I do get what you mean about it making you root for the couple harder, and I totally see how, though personally I try to separate that as like, bonus content because I don’t want the ship to be defined by that. Lol, although I’m still kind of laughing helplessly at today’s live, because that’s almost the better making of a romance than what we saw on S19. 

I think about maya’s stare, my favourite was when she and carina were on the couch having the conversation about going on holiday, and the way she was looking at carina and the way the lighting was making her eyes look in that scene, it made the look in her eyes during the “but I’d like to try” part a little more vulnerable than it would’ve been if the lighting was different. Yeah that was my favourite scene between the importance of the scene and the intimate lighting

Oooh, that was such a good scene. As you said, the lighting was all intimate and I actually liked that they were away from the bed because as much as I do love their scenes there, this made it not about That, that to Maya this wasn’t just a relationship kept for the bedroom. And she was definitely more vulnerable, this was one of the only times she’d  reached out first and wasn’t just reacting to something Carina initiated. She was testing the ground, not just with Carina but with being open like that with anyone at all. I really loved how even when Carina was like, yeah, Maya checked with her TWICE more.