since it’s a day away, is there something u absolutely dont want to see happen on station 19? i don’t want a pregnancy plot or for marina to just be okay again but also, i know how the show is so im going in with no expectations

Oh, god, yes, don’t even put that into the universe. I don’t wanna see any pregnancy for at least a few more years. Otherwise…well, already did cheating, so hopefully no MORE of that. And obviously no death! Also please nobody get the bright idea to make Maya abusive to show that hurt people hurt or whatever. 

But yeah, like you said, who knows. I just wanna be able to continue to ship them, so anything that doesn’t destroy that, I’m fine with.

You reminded me of how hot Maya is with the work out gifset, even though she is so badly written Carina deserves so much better.

She is super hot! And the new hair…. And yeah, she can be written in a certain way, but as I was just saying in the previous reply, people are just written all over the place. With enough screentime, Carina’ll probably like, I dunno, kill someone or try to steal an election or whatever, something that makes Maya suddenly appear like the “good” one. And then it’ll switch and then again.