To be fair to maya posing, a sports illustrated shoot would consist of posing as an athlete, something she’s comfortable with and used to. Having to pose in a sexy way is a different mentality.
That is fair. But they should totally lean into the athletic stuff! Use what you have, Vic! 😮
Hi, so I started watching Station 19 due to your gifs and I really like it so far. I realize that I’m probably in the minority, but I liked Jack and Maya when they were together. I didn’t think they would last longer than they did, but for me it made sense that they would have gotten together. Both of them had trauma in their upbringing that each helped the other get through. Maya was taught to keep moving forward no matter the carnage she leaves behind and all that mattered was winning. 1/
And Jack had experienced abandonment throughout his entire life and thus had learned to figure it all out on his own. Maya came in and showed him that he didn’t have to do it on his own and that they were people who had his back. And Jack allowed her to enjoy life and that they were people who wanted to get to know the real her and cared for her. They were what each other needed at the time. However I much prefer her and Carina. 2/
Carina and Maya are good together because Carina isn’t someone Maya has to compete with and possibly hurt. She someone that Maya can enjoy for what it is and close enough to understand the choices Maya makes every day. She doesn’t push and lets Maya decide how fast she wants to take things. which is what she needs. The problem with GA and S19 is that the cast are so incestuous that everyone will inevitably hooks up with each other. Ex. Dean and Vic, Travis and Dixon and Andy and Rob. 3/3
Fair enough, anon, you can like what you like and those reasons do sound good! Jack just rubbed me the wrong way from the start and it never went away, it wasn’t him being problematic or whatever, I just don’t like him much. He does have his moments but for me that’s when it’s something not related to women.
But the Carina and Maya reason does sound good too, lol, one I’ll definitely agree with. Even Maya’s friendship with Andy has suffered because of her competitiveness, Carina offers something so valuable in being an also competent, ambitious professional woman who understands just what Maya’s job and life entail, but being removed enough to not actually be someone Maya feels she has to compete against. Although, like…Maya has to address that. There’s healthy competition and then there’s what her dad instilled in her and is making her think of death as a release from pressure and wrecking her relationships. Who’s to say she won’t think of a reason to compete with Carina anyway, like who’s earning more or gotten the most promotions within a certain amount of time? It’s silly to think like that but that’s what you end up fixating on.
Though of course she is working on it, she seems to have made more progress within the last few eps than she did in the whole show before. Well, the competitiveness was dormant earlier, but clearly it was always lurking and she knew it was and was almost scared of it. And it’s not that the progress is because of Carina, it’s that the writers are writing the two things together, exploring her more, she’s understanding that her way wasn’t working (the “I’m the truck” breakdown), the panic attack. And Carina’s there to support her and also be someone who’ll stand against her “personal relationships only distract” mentality. I’m so curious to see the next ep, Maya with her mom and Carina both. So many threads meeting!
I might be in the minority but I don’t actually like Andy as a character. She suffers from what I call main character syndrome. Where because the show revolves around their lives, they get away with things others would not be able to. I know that if anyone had acted how she did after Maya’s promotion they would have at best been suspended if not fired. And positions like that work on a seniority basis. With Jack not a choice because of PTSD, the next option was Maya or an outside hire.
I get what you mean, but I don’t really blame Andy for the writers’ bias. When they make Maya do something unlikable to prop up Andy, I don’t like Maya less for it, it is what it is with this show (and perhaps Grey’s as well?). It’s just filled with whatever ups and downs that will cause the most drama.
Remember how after the big tower fire at the end of s1, I think, Travis almost died because he told Warren to help a civilian instead of him and Vic got like, bizarrely mad at him for it? Not Warren, but Travis, the guy who, again, ALMOST DIED. For. Almost. Dying. But she’s cool now, everyone on this show goes through periods of self-righteousness and selfishness and heroism. Pruitt was so horrible to Andy and now we’re mourning him like everyone else. Andy gets it the most, yes, but it’s all part of the same…mechanism.
And is Maya more senior than Andy? Unless I’m misremembering, didn’t Andy get lieutenant first? Or did you mean something else?
Haha, Maya’s welcome to the Seattle Fire Queers was awesome. I love Bishop and I’m really glad they had her go off on Chief Dixon this episode (though I suspect that’s not going to come without repercussions) and show her goofy side with Vic/Travis. Also, Danielle’s arms … yeah. T-minus 13 days till Carina meets the fam too. These last 3 episodes should be great.
I love that there are three distinctive characters. 🙂 Their own little club. And the Grey Sloan doctors when they visit add like, at least…four more?
Oh, for sure, I’m glad she got to have her cool moment with Dixon but it feels more than ever like her time as captain’s limited, that sooner or later Andy’ll claim what everyone in the station considers her rightful spot.
God, she’s buff! It’s so hot. Ah, yeah, I can’t believe after seeing those BTS pics we had to wait not just past yesterday’s ep but an extra couple of weeks after that. I hope Carina’s in all of them but I have no idea how they’re gonna handle whatever was supposed to happen on Grey’s during this.
Yesss! I’ve become interested enough in them to regularly check series updates and was SUPER hyped to see these pics (more at source)!

It looks from the rest of the pics like there’s some kind of lunch set up for the firefighters’ families, so maybe Maya invited her mom? Or just Carina–I wondered if she might not have invited her either but I feel like they’ve moved past that? But the way the ep summary phrases it “Maya’s mother, Katherine, pays Maya a visit”, and the way these look, I wonder if she showed up uninvited and Carina’s trying to defuse the situation.
I’m curious about the situation between them! Because her mom let her be abused, but is also an abuse victim herself. So like…how do you navigate that? But Maya seems to still be talking to her dad and on “good” terms with him (because so far she keeps meeting his expectations), so I can’t think she’d kick her mom out of her life but not her dad. I’ve missed so much of the show I don’t know if Maya’s mom is still even with her dad, maybe she left or is about to and Maya resents that.
Or it could all be unrelated to that, lol.
Different anon. I just read your answer about a possible fight between Carina & Maya… I swear IF it’s this, I’m going to lose my shit because I don’t want that Satan & Krista fuck up them. I just don’t want that kind of scene with Marina. Ugh when will we see the new episodes ?! ??
Oh, I just said that to hedge my bets and not raise anyone’s hopes too high, I didn’t actually think it’d be a fight, both because they seemed pretty pumped about it and because we’ve already seen one? In the captain’s office, no less? But you know, if there is one, that only means there’s gonna be a makeup scene, since they seem to still be together at the end of the season, so either way, win-win! 🙂