in the scene where mary goes out in front of the group for the adriel fight, she kind of shuffles ava and camila out of the way and i just noticed that beatrice is reaching out to touch ava when that happens ugh my heart

Oh, hmm. As much as I’d love for that to be the case (I’d never deny an extra Soft Avatrice moment), I feel like she’s reaching for Mary?


I kind of love that too! That she also instinctively wants to protect Mary! Each character has a specific, distinct dynamic with everyone else (except Camila, who kind of only has one with Beatrice, lol, hoping that changes next season!), so even though Mary is the Badass, Bea still feels responsible and protective. I love that. :>

(This can be published) The scene in Warrior Nun ep 1×04 with the chainmail veil deservedly gets a lot of love but I wish there was more appreciation for the brief scene about a minute earlier when the guard in Arq Tech approaches Sister Beatrice saying “I don’t want to hurt you…” and Beatrice responds, with /total earnestness/ “And we appreciate that!” before knocking him out with a single jab to his windpipe

Ooh, then they all just tied him up and dragged him off, lol. I DO love that too! 

Honestly, that whole Arq visit revealed so much about Bea, starting from when she faced Lilith down in front of the others. You really get the feeling that she genuinely values her work and the order and the church and has true faith. She doesn’t want to hurt people if she doesn’t have to, never more than she needs to, she’ll take lead and send off the others when she can. I really help we delve more into her background aside from her sexuality (although that too).

My fav big sis/lil sis pairing in Warrior Nun is Beatrice and Camila. Beatrice telling Camila good job after her first assignment. Beatrice being the first to watch her play piano. Beatrice being proud of Camila finding Ava with the CCTV cameras. Camila referring to her as “Bea.” Beatrice being fondly exasperated with her impatience when they attack ARQ-Tech. Camila being sad about taking Bea’s weapons and asking her for advice. “It takes a special person to make everyone around them smile.” 1/2

Camila picking up on Bea’s feeling for Ava and finding the passage in the journal for her. Beatrice being the one to say “And let’s not forget Camila’s still up there.” They love and support each other so much. And Camila has some of the same bouncy happy energy Ava has so no wonder Beatrice is so fond of her. Hope we get more of them in S2! 2/2

Awwww, all these moments!. I love a lot of the dynamics but this is a favorite of mine too! And I liked how much that “it takes a special person…” line showed that Bea was paying attention and cared to make Camila feel supported and validated even as she was being shoved out of the OCS. Like, it applied to her too, in the end. 🙂 And as you said, Camila noticing a little something between Bea and Ava and giving her that entry with a smile, it’s not just one-sided Bea mentoring Camila. And I love her truly being Bea’s mentee and busting out the gun when they needed her. Definitely hoping they continue this dynamic and expand on it next season.

I can’t stop thinking about the line: “is everyone but you” or something like that. Beatrice ra lived in a world full of homophobia(including herself) and Ava change that. At least a little.

Hmm, but you know, Beatrice didn’t, like, know that Ava wouldn’t be homophobic, although it would of course been a relief to read that journal entry out loud and have Ava’s only response be, yeah, kick their ass! 

I wonder if what initially drew her to Ava was how much of an outsider she was too, an outsider like Bea. Ava sat down next to her and spoke first, how much do you want to bet Bea’s own middle school experience (and after) wasn’t much better? As much as we can assume Camila and Mary and probably others knew, it didn’t seem to be the kind of thing people spoke about or reassured her on. In fact, that brings me to this ask by another anon:

WOW what a trip warrior nun was, I really hope it gets a second season! I ended up liking Bea/Ava way more than I thought I was. It’s so interesting how at the beginning of the show Mary berates Bea for being too ‘’cold’’ when she’s talking about Shan but then later on we see Bea and how she interacts with Ava and it’s totally the opposite (I get the feeling that Bea has a huge wall up and doesn’t really show affection towards anybody but now with Ava there she’s slowly beginning to with her)

That’s such a good observation, you can really sketch out Bea’s full characterization from just these few scenes. How much she tries to be perfect and follow the rules so–as she herself said–she can make up for her perceived flaws, so nobody has any reason to criticize her. And it absolutely would manifest as this wall between her and everyone, even as nice as Camila is, she’s a junior. In this all-woman environment she has to work even harder so there’s not even the suggestion of anything more, anything improper. As much as she really did love Shannon, she couldn’t ever show it in a way that’d imply anything like a crush, she always had to be distant and impersonal.

And then freaking Ava, so irreverent and with no boundaries just breaks through those walls. Like, the most physical contact she’ll allow herself with anybody is a shoulder touch:


And then when she offers the same thing to Ava, a comforting shoulder touch


Ava shocks her by leaning into a full body hug


Imagine the last time she had any kind of real physical contact! Even a normal gay adolescence makes you hyper aware of how you come across, but compare that to this environment, and the restrictions she placed on herself. First anon  up there, you were right when you highlighted the “everyone but you” comment, because this I think is where Ava bulldozes through Bea’s walls and she’s like, oh. Ava just reached out to her when probably nobody else dares, following Bea’s own signals too, perhaps, but it must have meant so, so much to Bea.

And another anon:

I gotta say my absolute fav moment of the season has got to be when Ava and Bea were having their moment after reading Melanie’s story and Ava goes “What you are is beautiful” I mean can you imagine how mind blowing it mustve been for Bea to hear those words after having been told otherwise her whole life (no wonder she falls for Ava lol)

I wouldn’t normally have added another ask to what’s become such a long response already, but this fit so well. Like, yes, exactly, until this point, Ava’s approval is just implicit and assumed, but nothing could be stronger than that comment. And after everything, always striving to be perfect but in the background, loving so hard but having to hide it, what a comforting thing to hear. :’)

I didn’t notice that Camila is the one that realized Melanie’s story. And she gave the book and look smiling at Ava and Beatrice

And another anon:

I thinks camila knows 

Yeah! I really liked that little moment from her and how much it conveyed, not only that people knew, but they didn’t all disapprove. And I do think she knew, it was too deliberate and specific to mean anything else. I don’t imagine they’d ever talked about it before, but she leapt at the chance to show Beatrice that not only was a previous halo-bearer a lesbian, the halo actually got more powerful when she accepted what she was.