Teddy begging on Maya’s behalf to take her back KILLED ME !! Like, of couse you think so. I mean I’m sure Carina knows the whole story there but still, relationship advice? From the Cheater in Charge? Legitimately made me and my best friend giggle. I’m meh about how they got back together, but the actresses sold it for sure. And I’m super happy they made it clear Maya and Jack are platonic and the sex didn’t like, awaken anything in Jack. Well, not yet. I know how Greys Cinematic Universe is.

Haha, right, of course she was gonna say that, but that was absolutely part of the fun, that the character everyone knows is in the doghouse for her own wedding day shenanigans was like, “oh, just forgive her :))))”. I’m sure Carina knew about it but she wanted to forgive Maya anyway, so.

It wasn’t great, at all, and it sucks that sometimes we just have to be like, god, fine, but still…it IS fine. It was a pretty tropey ending for them, including Jack even encouraging her to go after Carina. But lol, yeah, “not yet”. Probably when he and Andy are together again at some point and solid and Maya and Carina are like, engaged, this franchise will be like, you know what would be fun?