I really hated Erik and then by the end he really was just kind of dumb but good at heart. Like this was kind of the perfect villian origin story.

Same, I hated him at the start for how horrible he was to the illegitimate kids but he went through enough personality transplants that by the end I kind of liked him. But who knows what would have happened next season, this show is the opposite of consistent (except making Ginger the awesomest–we’re lucky we didn’t see HER ruined too).

This is just an idea but I have a feeling that they are slowly moving carina away from Greys. Camilla who plays greys says that Jo will have a career change. She has been seen with 2 births already. I think she will switch to OB who knows then what Carina will do.

Oh, you think so? I haven’t watched Grey’s in a bit but that would be sad for Carina, unless she makes up for it in a similar role in Station 19. She genuinely does seem to love her job so while I would welcome any change where we see more of her in general, I hope it’s not at the expense of this.

i know i am late to the party. i just finished warrior (2019) and do you know what i would have liked to see more than irish terrorist gets a romantic semi-plot? seeing lai, ah sahm, and ah toy bond in those two months they’ve been disposing of racists. and i wish the fung hai killed bill because i don’t like that little bitch

“do you know what i would have liked to see more than irish terrorist gets a romantic semi-plot?”

Anything?? 😛 Gosh.

But yes, god, there was so much they could have done with the literal, you know, warriors of the show. I wish Hong’d joined their group too and it was just casual vigilantism. And man, Bill, I think the reason I resented Leary so much was that we already HAD this corrupt victim-complex white guy getting so much screentime and story. But main character plot armor. -_-

Do you know if anyone has Conspiracy Whiteboarded out exactly what moment that beside manner photo was from? We know the bit of Dani asking about who will bury Diego and her dad was a reshoot, but I *think* I see a potato chip bag in the background?

Oh, hmm, this one?

I don’t see any potato chips, that’s a phone, isn’t it? One of those old landline ones? I think it might have been before Sarah returned with the ice? So like this moment of peace between just her and Grace without terminators or pharmacists or Sarah or even Grace’s own very focused active energy when she’s awake. Once the ice had melted and Grace had cooled down, Dani was already locked out.