I have! And yes, I was already excited about it from the concept, you expect there HAS to be f/f from a premise like this, and then the trailer straight up had a kiss, and then the one clip I saw definitely means it’ll be coming up in the plot. I’m definitely looking forward to it!
You know how sometimes you watch a movie or tv show and get a sudden reality check that, oh yeah, this ship isn’t actually canon? I watched Dark Fate again recently and every time I do I just get MORE confused about how something if it wasn’t supposed to be romantic?!?
Ugh, right?? It’s such a story built to be a romance, it truly is! Like, it’s how the whole arc worked best, it’s just what you naturally expect it to be and the impression you take away from it, these two standing against time because of love, and like, this isn’t freaking Dark, we’re not reading maternal vibes into it?? There’s loyalty and devotion but not motherhood? And especially because of the Kyle/Sarah parallels, we see it as a romance. It’s just meant to be, like, if homophobia weren’t a thing, it WOULD be. That’s all there is to it.
What if Andy or Hughes gets pregnant and then goes to Carina… this way she would get more screen time and builds a relationship to the team.
Uh…that’s possible but that’s a way off for both of them at this point and the only other person…and I REALLY don’t want it to be her, lol. But really, I don’t want any of them to get pregnant, tbh, I was actually just discussing this with someone yesterday, how Miller has a kid and while it obviously does have an impact on his life and features in his storylines, for an actually pregnant firefighter, it’d be a very different thing. And while on a different show that might have been interesting to explore, this show…heh, nah.
Still…if it were Andy…that would be interesting and definitely an increase in screentime for Carina.
Something about Andy and Maya’s friendship has always felt a little hollow to me. Idk what it is, but they have never seemed very close. I liked their conversation in this episode a lot, though. Maya’s comments about how Carina is light(cute)/so good versus how she talked about herself might not come up again(I know how this show works now) really displayed how Maya sees herself. Made me a little sad. A different show would delve deeper and I would have loved to see that.
I get what you mean, because what we’ve seen on screen of them is usually to serve plot, so it’s mostly there for exposition or to be ruined for drama, but, there have been some great moments throughout, I can believe that off screen and especially before the show started, they had what we’re mostly now told is a good friendship. And I did really like the start of the return to something in the latest ep.
And yeah, gosh, the way Maya sees things…please, just send her to therapy, show. How did what she dropped to Tracie Thoms’s character not ring loud ass alarm bells?? Of course if she sees Carina as perfect and her as undeserving she’s always going to rush to sabotage things. A different show would do a LOT differently! But this is the one we’re watching, heh.