I know you’re probably snowed under with Happiest Season stuff, but I loved it and I just wanted to highlight one of the things I really loved – I loved how the movie made sure to show us how physically affectionate Harper is and wants to be. It’s just right, not too weird and porny, but not desexualised either – it’s soft and sweet with just the right dash of thirsty. She craves contact with Abby all the time, and you can see it even when she’s keeping up her Straight Face. A+

A bit snowed under, a bit. 😛

But yes! At the start and up till the effective turning point deliberately brought on by her parents almost catching her in Abby’s bed, she was extremely loving and affectionate, she was in love with her girlfriend and showed it, that’s all. It was nice and really provide a bunch of moments of them in the first half.

Starting to think Happiest Season was needed WAY more than I realized, because apparently a lot of folks need to think about why being closeted *is* so agonizing a lot more. The whole *point of the movie* is that this behavior isn’t something natural for Harper, it’s not something she wants to do or would dream of doing under other circumstances – it’s what the situation is doing to her. It’s not a subtextual point! It’s right there! Closeting means doing stuff you hate yourself for!

Heh, well, they may need another movie then, lol, this one didn’t really seem to do the trick too well. I thought the effect of it was clear, that everything she was doing was tied into it, but…well. Which, that’s kind of interesting, the response to the other closeted characters. I’ll just use this next ask for that.

And another anon:

I don’t see the difference between Harper and April. So I think the issue people see with Harper is more shipping than the story

You know, I was thinking about this earlier and actually took part of my answer out of another reply to put in this one. Despite some grumblings about April, and of course taking away just how many more people seemed to be aware of and watched HS, April didn’t get nearly the vitriol. And watching The Wilds now, a certain character, as well, I expect there will be some people who won’t like her but it won’t be the same thing at all. 

I think it’s so many things at once, April is–probably meaner than Harper ever was, but that was before they were in a relationship? And people will excuse that kind of meanness more? The expectations were also completely different, we didn’t even know what TBH was gonna be about, it’s a silly show and the high school bully is kind of an archetype we’ve come to accept and indeed, ship with the protag (Quinn, Paris)? Kinda weird when you think about it but I guess they’re more easily accepted as these wild, absurd universes? Which, I thought HS established too, that silly story from Michelle Buteau’s tour guide to start things off, then the way Abby and Harper were chased away from the roof, then John’s tracking joke. It was meant to be a silly, exaggerated world. But I guess people took it more seriously?

Longevity and coming to know April over a season probably helped too. Age also, high schoolers are trapped in a different way that people are more sympathetic toward than for people in their 20s or older and plus, people expect less from high schoolers in terms of maturity and responsible, forward-thinking decision making. And indeed, a fair number of people who didn’t forgive Harper’s actions toward Abby did leave out what she did to Riley, gotta acknowledge that. But not everyone. 😼

I dunno, heh. It’s a lot of things, I guess, but I do think that there is an expectation to come out in high school or college and the later you put it off, the less sympathy you get, it’s seen as hurting yourself, your partner, your community.

I just can’t get over this. All these people who whined about how we don’t need any more coming out stories, and then – like you said – turning around to say the most *appalling* weird and clueless stuff about closeted people; as if they’re somehow less queer because they’re not out. I’m so glad for your posts, honestly, I felt like I was the crazy one, seeing people I had thought of as thoughtful and compassionate just lay into Harper like she’s an unforgivable monster for being in?!?

Yeah! You really can’t say the time and scope for these stories is over and then be like THAT about closeted people?? 

And for real, I was so taken aback by who I was seeing these comments from! It wasn’t homophobes, it wasn’t even just those people whose whole shtick is snark and cattiness, it was people who say things like, everyone’s journey is different, this coming out day remember the people can’t come out now, don’t excuse people for so and so action but have compassion for them, it was really hurtful and was like that one quote from that popular Tumblr post? Where you suddenly feel unwelcome where you thought you had friends? This is our own community…

I saw people call Harper straight! What?? That she shouldn’t have a gf at all, she’s a coward for not coming out, she’s too old to be going through this, and then worse, not even about this fictional character but about closeted people in general, this is why you shouldn’t date closeted people above a certain age, this is why you shouldn’t date them at all. 

A lot of the discussion has already covered the fact that these opinions are coming from people who were closeted themselves, but I think in some ways that actually makes it worse? Because there’s a sense of, well, I did it, so why can’t they? Despite the differences in not just circumstances but culture and priorities and just people individually. 

“The way people are acting about closeted people in general is eye-opening and hugely hurtful. I had no idea until now how many people don’t think of closeted people as
equally queer? Queer at all? Again and again, I’m seeing narratives where Harper is just
apparently choosing to be closeted for no reason at all, basically another straight person and deliberately treating Abby like this because she wants to or something.” OMG THIS. The movie is so clear it’s the *situation* doing this to Harper?

Right, that is the literal storyline, that a usually loving gf reaches her lowest point in these circumstances. Sorry, by this point, I’m kind of repeating the same thing, there’s only so much to be said, especially when most of this ask is my own quote (:P) but yeah, you can’t disconnect the two things. And it is up to you how willing you are to forgive her actions but it’s a character who, the story itself says, acts badly only about this one thing, acknowledges and apologizes for that, and then spends at least 10 months making up for it. And it’s part of a genre where this happens, you don’t take it seriously because you know it’s exaggerated, both the ups and downs.

I haven’t seen happiest season yet but i think instead of making internet posts about it people who didn’t like it should just say to themselves “at least I didn’t just watch Jenny’s Wedding” and move tf on with their lives

Heh, I know you’re joking, but I do get that from their perspective, it isn’t just a bad movie nor even one a big letdown as a highly anticipated big name holiday f/f romcom, but one with a damaging narrative. I just really, really disagree with that. 😼

Also, now that you’ve mentioned that and Clea DuVall’s recent hotness is on my mind…ought I watch the f/f stuff on Handmaid’s Tale… I can be tough about some things in media but sensitive about others…

Thank you for saying all of that, it means so much. This completely unjustified hate towards Harper reminded me so much of Sophie. I was so so mad and hurt by that reaction as well. And like you mentioned there’re countless other examples. It’s so easy to see the patern in those reactions. She could’ve been the most likeable character ever, people would still show their true colors. The lack of empathy is astounding, and so so hurtful to rl closeted people, myself included

First, sorry I’m replying so late! Obviously I always wish I could answer earlier but some of these come off more time sensitive than usual. I do hope you feel better now even if…well, nothing’s really changed on that front, just time? Well, and as other anons pointed out, the news that the movie did really well for Hulu. And personally, I feel like I’m seeing a kind of defense spring up to the initial onslaught, so that’s nice.

And yeah, I was way more aggressive when I stated this earlier but have since calmed down and don’t want anyone to feel like I’m attacking them specifically, but we really have seen this again and again, even with more sympathetic characters. And you just can’t separate her from her background and what created her, you can’t be like, yeah, I feel sorry for all that but it’s no excuse, even though, agreed, it’s not an excuse! it’s explicitly understood to be bad, by everyone! It’s just not shown as unforgivable? Which, is that so bad?

There’s just…you don’t have to forgive her yourself, you just have to accept that not everyone will hold it against her. But some people can’t do that to such a degree, they legit think the movie is objectively bad and harmful for suggesting it. 😡

I completely understand where you’re coming from but at the same time having empathy for someone’s journey and struggles doesn’t excuse bad/hurtful behavior either. I think a lot of people have issues with it because we’ve all been on the receiving end of that hurt. It explains it but it doesn’t necessarily excuse it. I do draw the line at hurtful comments though. I also think people are really tired of the “coming out” movies. I want my cheesy hallmark romcom lesbian couple :)

I agree that it doesn’t excuse it, but I don’t think the movie does, it completely places her in the wrong for it, we see Abby’s hurt explicitly, and Harper does acknowledge and apologize for it. It seems a pretty straightforward implementation of how these things ought to go?

I also don’t love coming out movies, but it was always clear that’s what it was going to be so I’m not sure why that’s held against it. And there’ve been some popular shows and movies in the last couple of years that didn’t even get to the happy ending part, let alone check off the other points of a cheesy Hallmark romcom. So I believe it’s more down to the individual project and execution than what it was or wasn’t.

I’ve been trying to answer these in order but I think I’ll just address these all now so people don’t think I’m ignoring them.

And another anon:

[HS] for me it’s not that she wasn’t out to her family that was the issue, it was throwing Abby into the situation headfirst and not telling her what was happening until it was too late for her to back out. she didn’t give Abby a choice in the matter at all, and that’s why I think a lot of people are looking at her and going “wow, she is NOT a good girlfriend.” (also ditching her at home to go out with her friends. I don’t even do that with platonic guests!)

Hmm, to me those are divided into several actions.

First, I did read it as giving her a choice. I had actually watched the trailer and thought it was full of some corny funny moments but later had literally said to a friend, I don’t know if I’ll like this, why did she even invite her to begin with and she doesn’t tell her till they’re at her house? How’re they going to explain that? And that was the impression we were all getting at that stage and people were still happily expectant.

But then the movie itself covered all those bases, she invited her because she was caught up in the moment, once she came to her senses she started regretting it and wanted to get out of it till Abby was like, I want to meet your family so she gave in, still clearly iffy about it, and like, nobody is saying Harper made the best choice at every moment, she very much did not, but not only was that the premise of the story, it was part of her character arc as well? She then did tell Abby and it was up to Abby to actually go or not. Yes, Harper made her case and it would have been hard for Abby to say no, but because she loves Harper and at the time, they both genuinely thought it’d work, Harper wasn’t like, I’m gonna make it horrible for her when I get there, why and how would that even work. People try to do things and then can’t, that’s not a moral failing. But truly, I think their relationship was such that Abby could have said no, I don’t want to do this, and Harper would have driven her back.

And as for the ditching and her not being a good gf, to me that’s a different action and born of the stress of the time. I don’t think you can separate that from everything else going on, we’re made up of everything that goes into us and as Abby herself pointed out, she’s a different person here, how she’s behaving here isn’t how she’s been for at least the last year with her.

And another anon:

Hey, so I get your point about Happiest Season. However, as a closeted muslim who hides everything ,this is my issue with it, let’s say for the sake of the movie we keep the fact that harper brings her girlfriend home even though she’s closeted. The flirting with the ex bf, hanging with friends and leaving abby alone was unnecessary. Bringing her gf home when she’s closeted is just not a good story line in general. I wish they had gone with a much more classic, cliche rom com idea ya know

Adding a cut for the answer to this last one because of length:

I think by the time we got to the ex and hanging out with friends and leaving Abby alone stage, it was to indicate Harper hitting her low. Like, she didn’t start the weekend like that, right, she started it off checking in on her routinely, in her basement room, at the restaurant, this was something that got progressively worse. I think maybe some people are reading her doing all that, the shitty gf stuff, as what she simply wanted to do, but to me, it was clearly part of her downward spiral. That’s what she was referring to in the suffocating convo, it was all pressing down on her. She had thought, when she suggested the plan, that she could do it, look after Abby while stay the same perfect daughter she was every holiday, but it just wasn’t possible, at least not for her. It was easier to be one or the other and she was wrongly choosing the perfect daughter role, and as a person (and a fictional character), it’s hard to compartmentalize everything perfectly. There are whole I Love Lucy episodes devoted specifically to show how the best laid plans fall apart. 😛

And so, choosing the perfect daughter role had to come to a head, it WAS needed for the sake of the movie because without it, what would be the clear stages of her journey, how would we see how it was affecting her as well? As I said above, it feels like some people think it’s just Harper perpetuating these actions, and yes, what she did to Abby is something she did to her, no excuse, but she’s also a victim of background? These are not power games she’s playing for the fun of it, in what world would she not just be happy to be out with her gf and have her parents continue to love her? Abby literally says Harper’s terrified of what the people there think, that’s all a part of her getting more wound up and tense. If we didn’t see the results of her being closeted, it’d remove much of the plot, but would go against the specific aim of how coming out was such a positive big brave step for her (which as you know, I don’t even necessarily agree with, in terms of general messaging, though, yes, it was what specifically Harper wanted and needed).

I’ve seen people talk about POV and framing and maybe that would have made the audience more sympathetic to Harper, but I guess I don’t see why it was necessary, and as I’ve mentioned, we have seen that with other characters and it didn’t really win them much sympathy. And then also, Harper needed to act that way to show why Abby would be fed up and leave, to then get to the last climactic stage of the movie. Otherwise it’d be like, well, the plan you agreed to is going fine, why not just wait till she comes out after?

And heh, I guess you can say it’s not a good storyline in general, though that seems pretty subjective, but it didn’t really trick us into thinking it was something else.

This might have been discussed before. Sorry if you have answered this before. But is Maya out to her parents? Do they even know that Carina is her gf? When Maya’s mother helped with the spaghetti dinner she and Carina seemed to get along well but i don’t know if that means anything.

Um. I think she is, but I realize now I’m not sure? I might have just missed the ep where they revealed that, but from what I’ve observed, Maya’s attitude seems to imply her sexuality wasn’t an issue, it was more what her father considered a distraction or not. Like the flashback example in high school, it seemed more that anything taking away from track was what bothered him so it bothered her. Add to that his abuse and she was emotionally stunted and prioritized flings over relationships. Like, I’m sure her father was homophobic, not overtly but in how he saw women, and probably would have made snide remarks, but no relationship was probably serious enough for Maya to take anyone home. I assume, haha. 

We did definitely see her mom realize Carina was Maya’s romantic something in the office and while her reaction wasn’t, omg, you’re bi, it did also take her several guesses to realize, so I also can’t tell if it wasn’t just omg, I learned something new about my daughter, I have to not make a big deal because she won’t like it. 

I just don’t think we’ll get a coming out arc for Maya, is what I’m saying. 

Clara is in love with Majo who is in love with her male toxic kidnapper. The show was obviously set up for Majo to be with the guy and to have this grand love story and Clarajo might be just queerbaiting for ratings which is gross to say the least.

Ohhh, I see. That’s disappointing indeed. i do get that these are shows under their own showrunners and networks don’t really control decisions at this level, but still, considering the positive exposure and media praise they were getting for multiple ships last year, pretty sad.

They are called Clara and Maria JosĂ© or Majo and i’m generally flabbergasted at the audacity of Televisa doing this knowing how vocal and great Juliantinas were, i know this always happens but still this is where we should channel our anger instead of against our own who try with all they have to give us what big studios don’t. I think Mexican fans could tell it was a disaster that’s why they didn’t try to promote it.

Hmm, yeah, I see a few clips for them but nothing in English but what exactly is happening that’s so bad?