See, I’d recommend TBH even w/o the wlw. To me its like a less serious Veronica Mars (since things don’t get nearly as heavy, there are no murders or anything, but there is a nice season long mystery) mixed with some Faking It style high school parody. The wlw was just a nice cherry on top. It was an enjoyable show already, and then the April/Sterling stuff happens, fitting in so seamlessly. I just love how they developed!

Right, right, I was just enjoying it in general, it was funny and dumb and at worst, I thought it’d be like Dead to Me s1 where the most important relationship and interactions were between women (it’s so valuable when that happens, even without f/f). 

I try not to recommend as a matter of course, just offer whether or not I liked it and I definitely did even before the f/f story, but you know, I can’t say that it didn’t bump it up a lot for me. Obviously for being a well done main character f/f arc, and to know the show wasn’t completely lacking in any form of rep (at this point it’d be a deliberate omission) but for this particular premise, it fit in so well with its specific angle.

Some ideas for gifsets- the April/Sterling confrontations before and after the debate. (i.e. the 5th grade incident and the arm grab scene). Oh, and maybe a random assortment of the telepathic twin conversations. Blair’s fake music audition (do you think they’re going to go back to this? I wasn’t sure if it was a finding her confidence thing or a, maybe something she might want to do in the future thing). Times the twins trying to hook Bowser and Yolanda up?

Thanks, I had some of these on my list already and I’ve added the rest! 

As for your question, the fake music audition, I don’t think it’ll come up again, but maybe. As booked as Sterling’s s2 is, Blair’s is kinda empty, aside from being there for her sister and being mad at her parents over a secret THIS massive, and then I guess we’ll see what her love interest situation will be. Oh, though, I SO want to see her interact with April now, knowing everything. Really hope there won’t be any teasing or mocking that treats it like April being hypocritical or that this is some fun, scandalous secret but given their dynamic, feel like that’s being too optimistic. Ideally, would love for them to bond as people who deeply care about Sterling who is going through a heck of a time.

What did you think of that scene with April and Luke? (The one where he tells her he’s like halfway to being angry with Sterling) I don’t know why but that scene felt kinda awkward, I mean it’s so hard trying to read April during that scene because on the one hand I didn’t feel like she was jealous I just felt like she was just telling Luke to move on because she knew Sterling wasn’t into him anymore but it also felt like she was doing it because she Felt bad? I don’t know?

Oh, it was awkward but I think it was meant to be? Sterling’s previous and current love interests talking, except only one of them actually knows! And is freaked as HELL about the other even suspecting. 

I’m not sure why those things have to be mutually exclusive, that she was telling Luke to move on because it was, well, true, and better for all three of them if he did, but also feeling bad–not at them breaking up, that happened before her, but I think at the subterfuge and listening to him talk to her as a friend about Sterling and his hopes of getting back with her while she’s secretly hoping for the opposite. I think that final “I get it” and then turning away in frustration was because, what can she really say that doesn’t seem two-faced and manipulative? 

Omg that second to last gif of the Doritos scene gifset!! Did Sterling making that kiss mouth when she keeps looking at April’s lips!???? Hahaha I love how her eyes keeps going up and down looking at the eyes and the lips hahaha Bless whoever invented gif!! We see more small details that we missed while watching Thank you thank you for gifting!!

Can I just say, I love that everyone’s calling it the Doritos scene, that’s literally what I named this clip.


Uh, huh. It looks like it! But I think it was just a little quirk, either she was thinking about saying something to interrupt this tirade (and get April’s attention all back on herrrrr) or she was doing this kind of unconscious mimicking thing with April she seems to do, like touching her hair:


Although, to your point, she’s touching her hair because she’s imagining touching April’s, soooo I guess we’re back to your theory. 😀

even as “enemies” april confided so much in sterling about her dad, i wonder if sterling will do the same about her (SPOILERS) kidnapping/mom/not being blair’s twin issues. it’d be nice to see the roles switch where april is the one giving comfort to sterling

I mean, I’d LOVE if she did, and I feel like if they were real people, she absolutely would, April shared all that and she was still super mad at Sterling, Sterling’s actually mostly fine with her. But I’m not sure they’ll write it that way. TV seasons are built as these interweaving arcs, right, everything has to work together, like their arc had to build and really take off in the last few eps, after the break up with Luke, it had to be the reason why Sterling would get distracted enough from Blair to cause a rift, the breakup would need to happen in ep 10 along with the information about April’s dad getting out and add to the whole list of things Sterling was going through in the finale, plot developments can’t just be natural and organic, they have to feed into and be fed by each other.

So next season, it’s not just, she gets home and calls up April, we might not even get April or school at all in the first eps, there’s gonna be so much fallout and only then–well, unless John Stevens starts his plan to get revenge on them, then there’s gonna be a reason for their arcs to combine again. Most likely April will find out in some much more dramatic way, possibly not even from Sterling but Blair. Really depends on how they structure the season.

Wait, so if you were unaware of the plot of Lovecraft Country, that whole scene must’ve been like crazy and unexpected for you! But yeah, I’m definitely curious to see where things are going though.

Yeppppp. I’d seen the trailer, of course, and kept on hearing it’d be this take on racism and scifi, but after they showed the big monsters scene from the trailer being just a nightmare and all the discussion of scifi in books and comics, I was like, oh, they meant it that way. I knew something’d happen in that scene, it was building up to something, they were all trapped with no escape but I absolutely didn’t expect THAT. Lol, I was all “what are those noises?” so innocently.

So, how do you think April will react when she finds out the twins were the ones who grabbed her dad? On the one hand, they basically blew up April’s family, on the other, it did reveal what an a-hole he really was.

Ooof, first thought? Sterling better hope her gf isn’t as good with a gun as her. But what they may actually do? I dunno, it’s SO expected that she’ll totally blow up at her, right, and that definitely would make for a lot of juicy drama, but maybe they’ll subvert it? Have her go quiet and then be like, good. I really don’t know. 

TBH is worth the watch for the wlw?

Uh, hmm, I think so… it depends, when you say that, do you mean is the wlw good enough to watch even if you hate the rest OR do you mean is there little enough m/f. If it’s the first, I think so, you may want to stick with eps 6 onward, if it’s the second, then just the very end of 6 and then 7 and 8, lol, but honestly, I was liking the show without any knowledge of the f/f, it’s funny and silly and not too deep. The f/f was more than a bonus, it ended up integral to the story, but I would have enjoyed the season even without it.

Because of who Sterling asked for relationship advice (and that threesome joke there was on the show with April) Do you think they could go down a April/Sterling/Luke road? Thoughts?

I mean….I never rule anything out because at the end of the day, these aren’t people with their own thoughts and wants, they’re fictional characters the writers move around for maximum entertainment and drama, so I can’t say that they might not go for some super ill-conceived awkward threesome but even then, I can’t imagine it’d be for any purpose other than to show how awful an idea it would be.

For one thing, the show’s made clear that April’s a lesbian and that she’s actually okay with it. So I don’t know why she’d even do that. Even if there’s some attempt to basically conversion therapy her, or something for appearance’s sake to put her dad off the trail, that is the absolute worst message the show would want to go with. Secondly, even if it were like, uh, a V, so no April/Luke, the show has ALSO made clear that even though Sterling is most likely bi, she’s not actually in love with Luke, at all. If she can be with April, there’s no need for her to be with Luke, she only kissed him because she was heartbroken over April. She’s not equally torn between the two and can’t choose. Like, if the April/Sterling leg is on, as harsh as it is to say, there’s no need for the third point. Also, lastly, even if it WERE for appearance’s sake, a threesome would be super scandalous on its own in this community and would not actually fix anything they’d want fixed.

So yeah, it’s possible, but then so much would have gone wrong with the writing to get to that point that I’m not sure I’d care specifically about that anymore, you know?