Watched Summerland, thought it was a cute movie. Not nearly long enough imo and I know people flocked to it for the Vera x Alice but I actually would’ve loved more Frank & Alice. They were super cute!

Yeah, I feel like they could have fit so much more in! Honestly, I would have been fine staying in this world for a lot longer, knowing the guarantee of that happy ending was coming. 

Aww, more Frank and Alice? There was so much of them! But I can get wanting more, Frank was so sweet and just kept on breaking through Alice’s barriers. I actually really appreciated how much of the movie happened before she knew he was Vera’s son, although, obviously, that’s deliberate to literally be part of the whole story and happy ending, but you know, sometimes stories miss really simple tricks. 

I WOULD have not minded some more scenes after Vera arrived, aside from sending the plane off, a bit more with the three of them. Even if it wasn’t anything super serious, like the inevitably awkward setting him down and explaining…so much. Or, omg, if in front of Frank Vera holds up THAT record and is like, oh, you still have this? Frank and Alice would have both thrown themselves into the ocean over that. 

ALSO, I wouldn’t have minded more of Frank and Vera. Honestly, more of every permutation, please.

Hi there, how are you liking Perry Mason so far? I have been considering watching it because of Tatiana Maslany :)

Hey! Uh, well, originally I wasn’t too keen on it but it’s grown on me. It felt like that prestige TV hollowness papered over by style and sex and violence, too busy trying to be cool and mysterious to actually establish the characters, but either it’s started doing better with them or I’ve just gotten used to it, because I am liking it more now. 

Whether or not I’d fully recommend it depends on if this upcoming season finale actually resolves this case and leaves people better off, or if it’ll be the typical bittersweet “life sucks, it’s deep to point that out” thing modern TV likes so much. TMas is great, but I wouldn’t watch it just for her unless you’re a huge fan. 

I loved that scene with Della and Hamilton from the last episode of Perry Mason. It made me wonder weather they are actually engaged (for appearances’ sake) or Ham just likes to joke about it. Thoughts?

Hmm. I thought it was an off the cuff joke he was making, the way Della looked at him in reaction, kind of narrowing her eyes. I feel like if he WERE her fiance we’d have heard it mentioned by literally anybody else before this, Perry, Hazel, EB, even Hamilton to Perry, but I guess it could be a bearding arrangement they don’t talk much about. Oh, but another mark against it would be the huge conflict of interest it must be? At least for Barnes to cause some drama.

If this were a different show, one without all this history that it’s the origin story for, I would almost think it was foreshadowing an engagement precisely because of all the drama but it feels like a lavender marriage between existing characters Della Street and Hamilton Burger is a bit too far even for a 2020 reboot.