Can we praise a little the amazing jacket and outfit Ava used in the Vatican mission?

Oh, yes! I actually almost wish they’d shown if not her actually picking it out, then a a reference to it, as a parallel to when she was trying to pick an outfit in ep 4. 

Look how uncertain she looks, that nervous little gesture, and this was after she and Chanel talked about deciding her style so this is supposed to be her big moment.

But compare that to the confidence here!

She kept the jacket! But she really made this outfit her own, a mix of what the nuns wore, incorporating the chain mail throughout, the longer tunic, but also giving it the leather jacket aesthetic she adopted when she finally started taking charge of her life after Mary left her at that town. But it was definitely also just like, urban fantasy chic and super hot on her, lol.

not the same anon but yes the girl they have kat with on the bold type is seriously that bad. she’s like a right wing immigration person and they play it off as just “little differences”. it’s a really shitty storyline and basically makes it seem that kat has no convictions cuz this woman shes dating is so obviously racist but they never would call her that or say it out loud.

Right, right, I was discussing this with a friend and we were talking about how they always have these characters in certain kinds of shows, to highlight how both sides have valid points and people who are conservative may not be that bad, how it’s just a difference of opinion and everyone can get along, but they so rarely show what those opinions explicitly are. Especially in these times, what it means to support Republicans, what it actually means and what the consequences are.

To the other anons who wrote in after the last ask, so…enthusiastically (^_^), I appreciate the nice words and the support, but you know, I do think people can still engage with media as shallowly as they want, if they’re able to compartmentalize that much. Of course, I’ll always support acknowledging the privilege that allows you to do that, like I do interrogating your preferences, why you like what you do, but it is still fiction and we’ve all ignored some messiness to like something. We like shows with killers, I still think Angie Harmon’s hot, I’m watching LA’s Finest right now even though they pulled a BYG. I’m much more about judging media for its trends and decisions than I am about the fans (unless they’re dismissing or reinforcing bigotry obviously). 

It’s ironic, reading over this, how much more I personally agree with you two and yet am defending the anon I declined, feels like I’m enacting that first paragraph all over again, lol. “I’m not gonna give you a platform but feel free to do this elsewhere.” But I don’t feel it’s the same thing, criticizing fans is different from criticizing media, that’s not both-sidesing it. And some fans may well BE worthy of criticism, but based on the little I know, asking for a gifset of a f/f moment, I don’t have enough info to make a judgement on that.