Also is very important to point out that Beatrice is the first person in the order that hugs Ava. Like at all?

True, true, like, the first person to offer her comfort at all, really. And like, I know the later eps are so good and the ones we focus on the most but the fact that even at that early stage, Ava was actually the one to initiate the hug. Even when she was waking up earlier, restrained to the bed and all she could hear was two voices arguing about what to do with the halo and thus about her, Beatrice was the one saying to, you know, not tear it out of her and let her die again.

Despite Lilith’s softening toward her, Ava will probably always be closest to Mary and Beatrice, but in different ways. With Mary, the relationship was built on tough love, I saw someone say Mary was like an older sister, and that’s super accurate. They’ll always have each other’s back but their relationship’s gonna be defined by snark and eyerolling and feigned annoyance. 

With Beatrice, Ava’s just a lot more open and vulnerable because that’s how their relationship was formed. Like, she tried to be snarky when they first met, at dinner, remember, “I’ve never been to middle school but I feel like I just lived through it”, and Beatrice just didn’t play, she flat out said the jokes weren’t helping and when Ava tried to pass it off as just her thing, Beatrice didn’t accept that and explained why people were on edge. She was a little stern but also took Ava seriously and was honest and opened up herself and that set the tone for their friendship. I still can’t get over the fact that when Beatrice snapped at her in ep 8, Ava just flat out asked why, in that hurt way, because that’s not what she had come to expect from Beatrice. Imagine! The character we saw in those first eps to actually have formed a relationship with someone to the point where she had actual trust and expectations of good treatment. Again, I’m so glad Beatrice justified that and immediately apologized.

I think Ava is yet to be sure about what she likes. But she mentions having sex with “someone” not a guy.

Ah, hmm, yeah, I think even someone who HADN’T been locked away from everything for most of her life would still not be completely confident about their sexuality at that age (or even older), but Ava in particular is pretty new to everything. For right now, at least, it seemed like a lot of her feelings for JC were tied up in the experience more than him specifically, so they’ve really left it quite wide open where they’ll go. 

I just watched Warrior Nun and I really liked it. What’s funny is that Ava doesn’t even listen to what JCs saying “just keep talking pretty boy” while it seems like she would listen to every word Beatrice would say even if she’d read the whole Bible to her. I think what they’re going for here is a contrast between a nothing but sexual attraction towards JC, which Ava is mistaking for being in love and a much deeper connection with Beatrice on the other hand.

Oh, haha, yeah, I…honestly am still kind of bewildered at how they wrote the JC part of the show, and the voiceovers just made it all so much more puzzling. It seemed like this totally different juvenile show. I’m not sure they were going for that specific contrast, everything Beatrice said happened to be a lot more relevant for Ava’s life, she could hardly be tuning out. And JC was already being dismissed as lust by Mary, when they were talking about her leaving JC behind. 

But yeah, again, as with all the Avatrice elements, intentional or not, they could certainly use them in the future if they so wanted.

DA tbh I always thought the halo reacted to Ava being truly afraid for Beatrice, and enjoyed the fact that it was the first time the halo did something to protect someone other than Ava. Yes, I have my shipping goggles on lol So… I really like how that other anon thinks! I didn’t associate Sister Melanie’s story to Ava unconsciously triggering the halo at all, I was too focused on Beatrice, but now I can’t unsee it!

Hmm, I like that interpretation too, because again, it is literally true, it IS the first time the Halo does something for someone else. And only time? Hm.

Well, both those theories work together, either way, it was reacting to Ava’s extreme feelings of fear for and protectiveness toward Beatrice, which, of course, you see a friend about to get shot, you react, it could have been anyone, but that’s the thing, it could have been anyone. Instead, they wrote it as specifically Bea. It’d have made the most sense if it was Mary, Crimson taking her own gun and turning it on her, and they’d just finished bonding in ep 6 and then reuniting in ep 7, but instead it was Bea. Well, intentional or not, for whatever reason the writers felt how well it’d work with Bea and they were right!

the fact that Flor would forgive Lorena for cheating and lowkey suggested an open relationship! A good tale on how trust can be broken in many ways, and people are mostly disappointed not from what the act itself might be, but the unexpectedness of it and implications (or real promises) of some sort of loyalty on that specific front. Yes, you might sleep with someone else, cause I know you are free like that but you would never lie, manipulate, hide important things from me, right?

Oh, that’s well said and such a good point about trust in relationships. Exactly, she didn’t expect it romantically but she did in other ways, and that’s what was broken. And as much as we understood Lorena’s side, it was also clear why Flor would feel so betrayed.

Tbh, I didn’t mind how it unfolded? Because we’d seen Lorena’s side in detail, how she found out and was so upset and conflicted and went against her only remaining family to force Oscar to confess and she did try to tell Flor but then she still didn’t TELL her and she COULD have and ahhhh. As justified as Flor’s reaction was, she also realized soon enough the other side of it and then it just kind of lingered a bit so as to make for a nice finale reunion. (Although the fact that they lost their dad in an accident and Lorena almost losing Flor like that didn’t seem to be brought up like it should have been.)