Do you think Shannon and Mary could’ve been together romantically?

Okay, this is interesting. I also watched that recent Simon Barry interview where he answered some questions and one of those was about Shannon and Mary. Basically he was like, no, I wasn’t really intending anything romantic, but watching it back, I see it and you know, actors can change how something comes out. I get that, there’s the writing and then there’s the acting and sometimes we lean on one or the other or a mix. 

Here, I think the intention behind the writing had been to kickstart Mary’s arc through losing Shannon, so their relationship had to be highlighted separately from the others, so we get the ILYs specifically between them, I think someone else, Vincent (? or Lilith?) referred to them having a special relationship, obviously Mary at the start of the show not wanting to give up on her, going to Shannon’s room and being familiar in it. And then that would drive her vengeance and protectiveness over Ava, enough to fight Lilith. So that was the writing and as always, when you get a really strong f-f friendship even on paper, it’s like, wellll, if that were a guy and a girl… >_> 

BUT THEN, I think the acting TOTALLY pushed it over the edge. The nuzzle at the start? It just all came across as more romantic than intended, so yeah, to answer your question, yes, absolutely, I think so. And I think in a world without BYG tropes and without having to worry that confirming it explicitly would make people then focus on Mary’s sexuality and how that was represented, they would have probably been like, yeah, they were together.

I definitely see Ellen P and Alicia V in Alba B from warrior nun but mostly Ellen P especially in some angles

And another anon:

Ava is a cross between short hair Charlize Theron and Ellen Page. And thank you for putting warrior nun on my radar. I did not expect to love it so much.

Yep, I’m seeing a lot of mentions of Ellen Page and Alicia Vikander, so that probably wins the non-prize. 

Charlize Theron…? I don’t think I really see it, but she looks so distinctively Charlize Theron-y to me all the time. Even when people were like, wow, did you see what she did for Bombshell, she looks just like Megyn Kelly, I was like, she looks like a kind of alien Charlize Theron?? And no problem! Me neither, I think I just didn’t expect that much heart. I thought it’d be campy in this bloody, sexy, gratuitous way and then it turned out to be about faith and second chances and true sisterhood and good intentions. <3

Now I can say that it was a recommendation and a great one! I did love warrior nun. The only thing was the final scene. But love everything. Thank you

Yay! I’m glad you liked it. As a general rule, if you liked it, it was a recommendation, if you didn’t, it was just me talking about a thing I liked, you didn’t have to watch it!. 😛

Heh, that ending. They didn’t even climb to the top of the cliff to have that be a cliffhanger. Hopefully they’ll get another reason and we can see how it turns out!

I’m really liking the AvaXBeatrice ship and I’m really excited for Warrior nun to get more seasons. So I was re-watching EP08 and I just noticed that in the story of Sister Melanie, something similar happened to Ava in EP07 when Beatrice almost got shot and Ava saved her with a blast from the Halo almost draining her of the Halo’s energy. So I think her feelings for Beatrice will play a huge part in awakening Ava’s true powers in the future :)

Ohhh, that’s true, I saw it as Ava saving a friend, but the way you describe it, that is technically exactly what happened, Ava almost emptying the Halo to save Beatrice, in this fancy slow mo shot. 

Hmmm, hmmmmmm. You’re so right. My original takeaway of the reading in EP08 had been what Bea’s had been, that once you deal with your own personal demons (heh), you’ll get what you need, and in this case, that’ll be to get through the 20 feet of stone. But Bea’s reading was influenced by her own association with Sister Melanie’s journey and the same breakthrough by proxy she had. In terms of what had been described, this wave of energy bursting out suddenly, that’s what happened when Ava saved Bea! Tbh, I don’t know–I don’t think they wrote that intentionally? But it’s certainly a super curious and interesting coincidence and I can’t really be sure… 

Gosh, it would be SUPER interesting if they pursued that in the second season. Most likely they won’t, but I’ll hope.

Wrt gofundmes Bc I’ve seen you get a few asks, I saw this tweet once that helped me feel better. The person said their dad’s advice was “if I see someone who needs help and I can help them and choose not to, that speaks to my character. If someone pretends to need help when they don’t, that speaks to their character. I can only worry about my own character.” And I think that’s helpful advice. I’d rather get scammed outta $5-10 If I have it than not help someone who might be really desperate.

Oh, that’s lovely! And yes, very much, exactly. 

I mean, I do understand the other anon’s point, where  it’s not just me giving that money but anybody I pass it on to and then with the many different requests you see online, it actually is kind of a thing where if someone chooses to donate to person A, they might not donate to B. But as I said, everyone should do their due diligence, and as for the second point, I’ll try to give a little every day so hopefully people aren’t really passed over. People will be, realistically, no matter what, if we just look for reasons to second-guess ourselves, there’ll always be so many and we’ll never give anything.

Haha I still do appreciate you watching it and being honest. Like hey it’s your blog and safe space, so say or do whatever you want. I won’t ask you to subject yourself to another difficult to watch reading, but Nicola’s reading is interesting too. I guess I’m so used to seeing her in Derry Girls and this is different? It’s just interesting to analyze her choices like inflection or facial movements, and also Virginia’s words in contrast to Vita’s. They just have a fascinating banter lol

Oh, what, I didn’t even realize it was out, my dash and TL are so geared toward Jodie Comer, lol. 

That was quite different! From Jodie’s as well as Nicola in Derry Girls. Amazing, of course. And the words! How awesome that two women that gifted with words found each other like that. In our generation would that be like if Michaela Coel and PWB exchanged letters? 😛

ok i started watching warrior nun and i LOVE ava!!! her facetiousn

wow sorry for that incomplete ask. ? butter fingers. i love ava’s facetiousness and the way she deflects with humour. i totally identify with her. and the bitch is funny! and she’s been through a LOT she just wants a chance to live! everyone else leave her alone ok!!

And another anon:

Thanks to you I finished all of warrior nun in one sitting, I have to say I loved Ava idk why people don’t

Yeah! I do get why reactions are so polarized, I guess it depends on what mindset you start with, it can be frustrating watching her run away again and again and just wanting to get back to the nuns vs sitting back and watching her journey unfold. I definitely loved the nuns and was impatient for when she’d rejoin them but I was also okay watching her grow and realize she needed to herself. And she is funny! She’s playful and likes to lighten the mood in harmless dorky ways, I don’t mind that at all.

And nice! It is super bingeable, especially the second half.

Sorry to ask, but I saw you talking about Warrior Nun & I kinda need a rec: I have a big phobia of demons (tnx actual nuns) that I’m trying to manage by watching fiction about them (the result isn’t always great). I was thinking of saving WN for this weekend cause it looks cool, I’ll be alone & get the big TV for myself. Do you think it is safe to watch? Maybe during the day? As a reference: Supernatural/Wynonna Earp demons I handle just fine; with exocist movies I don’t sleep for three weeks.

Oh, hmm. I think you should be okay, for the most part this is very close to Supernatural/Wynonna Earp/Buffy in tone. We actually don’t see many demons at all, and almost every time that we do, it’s this big cool Minotaur looking being and it’s only for a short while. 

BUT, there are these other demons that can effectively possess people and while we see that even less, it might be closer to what you don’t like. Unless I’m missing a part, we only get that in ep 6, from minute 38 to 41. It looks in appearance closer to Supernatural but you know, the possessed scary superstrong thing. It’s over pretty quickly and the whole thing’s in daylight, so I don’t know if it’d be that bad, you can skip through it, it’s not particularly relevant. Oh, there’s another part earlier, in the opening couple minutes of ep 4, but you don’t actually see the demon, it’s just a human behaving badly because of the possession and they run off themselves.

Other than that, I think you should be good! I don’t even know if you need to save it for daytime, it’s not really a horror or scary in general, no jump scares or suspense building unbearably. It’s surprisingly character-based.

Mexico isn’t america, we don’t overpay for pills and its much easier to get them. Everyone in Mexico knows this. If you’re from here you don’t need to do research to know this person is being fake. Sorry if scam artist was too harsh a word, I did not understand it was so insulting.

I’d assume it’s like in Pakistan, but even there, things can pile up, especially if you’re trying to take non-generic new. But I get your point and I mean…maybe you’re right, but $80 isn’t that much.

My comment was more at the “you can pay a scam artist if you want” but I might have read something in it you didn’t intend, no worries.