She reminds me of Ellen Page and Kristen Stewart.

And another anon:

The actress who playes ava is a combo of Jennifer Lawrence and Alicia vikander to me.

And another anon:

For me Ava looks like the daughter of Brie Larson and Alicia Vikander

Okay, KStew and JLaw? I don’t see it! Brie……….hmmm. Hmmmmmm. Maybe. But it is hilarious how many of us see some kind of resemblance there.

Ava is really quite and awkward

Sorry, I waited to see if you were going to add more to this, anon, but uh, yeah, she is awkward? Heh. I don’t seem to find her as annoying as so many viewers seemed to so I do feel a bit instinctively defensive of her, but I feel like by the end most people had warmed up to her?

Hi Jodie Comer reading anon here, I’m so happy you pushed through to watch it and enjoyed it! I just wanted to see how you’d feel about it but didn’t know about your aversion to these things so I’m sorry. Thanks for watching it despite it and sharing your opinion! Always enjoy your quality content and opinions, you’re my go-to blog :)

Omigosh, don’t apologize, it wasn’t a big deal! I was just, you know, sharing part of the experience, it’s not even an aversion, just…strong difficulty in watching, lol. And I totally appreciate YOU sharing how much you liked it and how it affected you, it’s all good! It’s why I pushed through…for you. 😛 But yeah, sometimes I’m like, should I hold back a not-positive detail because I know people tend to come here for the positivity? But then I was like, this is a personal blog, I’ll just be honest, so I’m really glad you still said such nice things! Thank you!

Have you seen Jodie Comer’s reading of Vita’s love letter to Virginia Woolf? Cuz damn it shook me, the emotions, the vulnerability and yearning is just perfect

Ahhh, okay, I’m going to be perfectly honestly and just say upfront that that kind of thing gives me–not secondhand embarrassment but something akin to it, like, I’m sooo fine with fiction, but a real person’s real words? It just…some part of me rebels so strongly at people trying to put their own interpretation on that.

But, but, putting that aside, for YOU, anon, I did watch it through and try to compartmentalize and it was pretty great! The words were fantastic, like god, what a writer, and of course Jodie Comer is absolutely made for this, honestly it won me over by the end. I miiight have had had to imagine she was playing a different character, though. 😛