Poll anon here. I get that i think it makes sense not to have many hopes until we see it. But i also think they were setting it up with the litle things here and there, and making a post like that without meaning to go there would just be tone deaf to literally everything queer fans have been saying. The end game thing is mostly cause the creator said he wanted 5-7 seasons so if it happens too soon i dont think it will go through all those (if they get them) 1/?

2/2 Also Ava as a character still has a lot to grow we saw how she was with JC and how she craves someone to care and love her. Same with Beatrice, she is more mature but that girl really needs to grow and start accepting herself. So i’m keeping my expectations low on the end game front untill we see how they see them up. And i say WHEN cause at this point to me its really just a matter of time

5-7 seasons?? That’s optimistic! Are they sure of getting even another one? But no, I totally understand taking these mentions as signs of things to come, it would be ridiculously cruel to dangle all this and then be like, yoink, but…you know. Still, you’re right, we should hope!

Oh, you know, even when I was saying their relationship is so balanced, I was thinking, it is a lot of Beatrice still patiently explaining things to Ava, Ava’s such a novice at literally everything. Anyone compared to her would be more mature, but Bea is like, Miss Sensible, so well-balanced and knowledgeable…except when it comes to this, lol. They’re both novices together. If they go there, I don’t think Ava’ll have to struggle through her internalized homophobia in the way Beatrice has, because she’s had to deal with just so, so much, this is just one minor new thing, but it’s defined Beatrice’s life, and as you said, she needs to learn to accept herself. She seems to have taken a huge step toward that, though, and like, no matter where they go, I expect s2′ll have more of that, so I can’t wait!