I’ve been poking around after reading what you wrote on control z but I haven’t seen much of Alex or the teacher?
Like, online? They’re in the show from the first ep, but the teacher just seems like a regular background adult at first, unless you pick up on this blink or miss it moment:

There’s so much going on and so many characters being introduced in this first ep, I don’t think we’re really meant to realize yet, only in hindsight when it’s revealed on the show.
I prefer Alex/Isabela as a ship, although they’re just friends. The teacher’s barely present, and tbh, Alex doesn’t get that much screentime either, but in the last half, most of it is with Isabela.
Did you see that Gugu is playing wlw and its woth gemma arterton?! Trailer just came out, it’s called summerland.It looks like itll be good.
I did! I do love those actresses and my friends seem hyped after the trailer! Hope it’s good.
Should we watch homecoming if we just wanna see Janelle and wlw?
Nah, then just watch the clips, it’s not really satisfying in that way. Oh, wait, as a fan of Janelle in general? If yeah, then there’s a lot of her and she’s deffo a wlw, so maybe… It’s hard to explain without giving away spoilers or to even really be able to do so without a lengthy summary of season 1, but this was a case where I was watching for the story anyway so it was a bonus to have central wlw. It’s so rare that we’re ever central, and especially not in a scifi drama where their f/f identities aren’t part of the main plot, there’s no homophobia or coming out story at all. It’s like that one anon was saying in defense of THOI, sometimes you just want interesting stories?
But I’m a fan of this genre, as I’m not of coming of age movies, or movies in general, so if you’re not, or of Janelle, then I wouldn’t say to watch for the wlw content.
do you know if there are any wlw in stargirl? the new cw show
I don’t know anything about the show or character except for having watched the first two eps and so far, there’s not been room for any romance except her mom and stepfather. They’ve barely focused on anything except the lead becoming Stargirl but two of the other students they’ve shown a bit of are these two outcast girls, one of them the same actress who played Reagan on Faking It, might be her or the other girl in the future.