as sloppy as that was, (maya and carina) the show is just like that when it comes to relationships. especially ones that don’t include andy lol(but also: sullivan wtf) rewatching from s1 and andy/jack/ryan was total whiplash and such a mess! at least we got to see this happen & not have to make do with just a passing reference in the s4 premiere yk? think the doctor egging it on made the scene for me lol. and carina is so hot to me but i will never watch greys so this is a win for me, im weak?

I love how you realize as you’re writing that Andy isn’t an exception when it comes to relationship writing on this show at all. It IS so messy, and like, as much as people might be pissed at how Marina ended the season, look at poor Sullivan, in pain and alone and wrong in thinking he could count on Andy at this time. You never know with this show, after they set up the two of them as really liking each other and being supportive, they started tearing them apart just as quickly and now are people supposed to want Andy and Jack? I don’t know.

But absolutely, I’m glad we actually got to see the moment, that it wasn’t left for s4 or even the Grey’s ep that wasn’t shot, lol. I’m actually really warmed by the media that was made before covid hit where they decided to end on a hopeful note, like, it wasn’t because they were influenced to, it was just what they wanted. Not to say that I will at all reject or judge those who’ll make kinder media because of this, I’ll take it any which way. But it’s just nice to have this gentle media in this time because people had already decided that’s what they wanted to create.

And absolutely, I’d much prefer Carina stay on S19, unless she and Maya have meaty stuff on Grey’s. They’re so isolated, neither has talked to anybody else from either show. That’s wild. I hope the writers take this chance to really think on these storylines and the fact that whatever they’d planned for Grey’s finale arc now can be done differently and do something that incorporates both, specifically, having Maya be there to support Carina.

My mom while watching the For Life finale: She doesn’t deserve her Me: you’re not wrong

I mean…. God. I don’t know wtf they’re doing with them, tbh. Why would you cast Mary Stuart Masterson and then be like, you’re gonna be this underused dickish character. Why would you write that for your first season, how is that the place you’re choosing to START from? I don’t know what’s going on there but I’m pretty disappointed with how that all worked out, considering the actors and the potential of these characters.

I definitely do agree that the story like of mayas dad felt rushed, and carina took her back way too easily but there’s a part of me that feels like we missed so much because they had to cut scenes that crossed into greys. Like greys didn’t finish filming their season before covid stopped production, and they luckily were at a point where they had a decent season finale but there was still so much crossover the last several weeks, I’m curious how it would have ended if greys did at the same time

Oh, huh, that’s a really good point. You’d think this would have come up in at least one of the last three Grey’s eps that would have aired? Like, would Carina have just been doing her thing while being brutally broken up with? Maybe, maybe. Actually, just the two eps, since one would have aired after, and I doubt we’d have seen any of them being happy. We should just consider ourselves lucky they did the happy ending on Station 19′s time. 

I don’t know, I feel like we should keep Carina, Grey’s barely uses her. Even this last scene with Teddy, Carina had to explain the whole awfulness of it to her right there, so they couldn’t have talked about it before. Maybe she mentioned it to her brother… But like, what could they have shown that would have made up for how much was missed? Carina was as angry as she deserved to be at the start of Maya’s apology.

I’m SO done with this show. For ONE second I was happy to see Carina being so mad at Maya and then Teddy, the woman who cheated on her future husband (because Marina stans forgot this detail), had the fucking audacity to tell to Carina to forgive Maya ??????? Nah fuck this show, Rick Shonda & Krista, fuck Teddy, fuck Maya. It’s just fucking bullshit !!! I just can’t believe that they made Carina as someone who forgives too soon… They just destroyed her. I’m done.

Oh, lol, I absolutely remembered Teddy’d had her whole cheating mess and this all was most likely about HER wanting to be forgiven and I guess Owen hasn’t yettt. 

But I mean, yeah, fair points, anon, as Stefania mentioned in the live, she would not have forgiven Maya that quickly and hopefully there’s a lot of making up in the next season, but for me, I guess the alternative was heading into a really long hiatus with them not being together, and I prefer this. 😡 And I just don’t think they’d EVER have given them the time they deserved. With the timeline they had, they should have done this all even earlier, I’m glad they actually had Maya come to the realization about her dad. And I mean, I guess I’d prefer someone forgive too easily, that’s not at all a flaw in Carina for me. But I get it, and maybe this franchise isn’t for you and that’s fine, there’s other stuff around.

I’m selfishly happy that maya and carina are back together but that felt very, very,very, fast and poopy story telling to end a season long storyline.

Lol, yeah, but I’ll take it. I’m as easy as Carina apparently. 😮

It is what it is with this show, that same imbalance between Maya and Carina will exist with Andy and all the other characters and they won’t get that same screentime. At the party at the start when Maya came out to talk to Andy, and Andy was like if it’s to talk about my husband or father, I’m not gonna, and of course that was apparently the only thing they could talk about, it’s not as if Maya’s life was going through its own upheaval? Andy got those slow flashbacks in the season finale and a full arc, and that’s just the show. 

The story with Maya’s dad deserved so much more time, the way the dad suddenly became this villain, I wondered for a second if it was a hallucination because it was SO quick and sudden and such a 180. But I guess that’s that. The Sakura moment was good and I’m honestly kind of glad they had Jack there just to like, cement how platonic their relationship is now. Carina could have made her work harder, but at least it was something. Honestly, like you, I’m selfishly glad we go into the hiatus with them happy.