Answering a few Killing Eve asks as a text post so that Read More actually works because y’all are including possible future spoilers:

Anonymous asked:

Who do you think kills Villanelle’s family?

Hmm, I wasn’t aware that was happening in such a confirmed way, but I have seen people speculating that Villanelle does it. But if not, it could be Dasha or other people from the 12. If it happens. We think it happens so it’s another door closed for her? (Even if she closes it herself…)

And another anon:

The fact we have a full V centered episode coming up has me so excited. Also really curious to see if she’ll receive word of Niko’s death somewhere in it. That would be something.

Tbh, as much as I love Villanelle’s antics, I feel like the best part of the show is her and Eve bouncing off each other, even if just mentally, so I’ll miss Eve for a whole ep. I’m hoping that at some point we get an Eve ep too because as various people have pointed out, her background and journey to here are also actually really mysterious and interesting? Aside from what she told Carolyn back in the second ep, we don’t really know she ended here. And if Villanelle is the (supposed) orphan all alone, as the contrasted “normal” person, Eve sure doesn’t seem to have anyone either.

But I guess the difference is that the bulk of the journey to this…openness with killing is what this whole show has been about, while for Villanelle it’ll be shrunk into this next ep. I hope we actually do get a lot of young Villanelle tidbits and oh, for sure, I hope she thinks of and brings up Eve a lot, including the news of Niko’s death. Although, we already saw “the mustache is gone?” so I dunno if we’ll get a repeat. If she finds out, maybe she’ll be sad for Eve and it’ll show “progress” or more likely, she’ll be gleeful.

And another anon:

Hi:) I have some ideas about what can happen in the second part of this season of Killing Eve. If you could tell me what you think, I would be grateful. In my opinion, Villanelle will be angry with Dasha because killing Niko could affect her relationship with Eve (Eve probably knows it was someone else but still). Also, I have a feeling that Eve and Villanelle’ll be in danger and that’s why they’ ll have to run away together (It could be the last scene of the season). Thank you in advance 🙂

First, this was so politely worded, anon! Awwww. It made me smile.

But hmm, I don’t know, Villanelle might laugh at Dasha killing NIko and think she did her a favor, especially if Eve doesn’t blame Villanelle. On the other hand, you’re right, she’s deliberately interfering with her relationship with Eve and Villanelle hates people doing that and not being in control. But she forgives betrayal weirdly easily, so she might still be like, hah, your plan didn’t work.

About the second theory, I think you’re absolutely right. From the various reviews and speculation I’ve been seeing, it seems more and more they realize who they can’t trust and everything starts closing off to them and each is the only person the other has left. Well, I hope, anyway, heh. 

Question, it’s also a HUGE spoiler for KE just in case your follower hasn’t seen the latest episode lol but anywayssss do you think Niko deserved to die? I mean I know the character kind of served his purpose and majority of the fans don’t like him but I kind of wished they just let him drop off bread in Poland and that’s the last we saw of him. I wonder which character will die next, I’m thinking Dasha? Who knows no death is shocking to me on this show anymore

To me this isn’t really a show where there’s any kind of moral consequence. People don’t win or die because they deserve it, it’s just their part in the plot, which is to be a dark comedy. Bill certainly didn’t deserve it, most of Villanelle’s kills don’t. That poor teacher who liked Niko didn’t. 

This is why I place so much importance on which characters get screentime and story, the audience will sympathize and care most about the characters who actually get narrative focus. This show uses that to create a very deliberate distance between us and the actual victims to focus instead on Eve and Villanelle. Show a death, move on, now show one of them being cute or sad for much longer, of course we’re going to care more about them. It’s just what it trained us to do. No doubt we’ll be sadder for Eve grieving for Niko than actually Niko.

Did Niko as a person deserve to die? Of course not. But as a character, did he deserve to give up his life so we can progress to the next stage in Eve’s development? About time, heh. For a second there in 3×03 I genuinely thought Carolyn had died and WAS shocked, but aside from her and maybe Konstantin (and obviously Eve and Villanelle), I think anyone’s open, especially someone we only met this season.