So… I know you rarely stay long in one fandom, but… how over desenfrenadas are you? Because I’ve been rewatching and noticed something for the first time AND… you know how it goes, I’m awash with gush needs D: Also, new follower. Also, that tag is how I found you!

 I’m not over it at ALL. I’m still listening to Cuando as my giffing song. When Coty posted this just a couple of days ago, I was like, this is their family now :’)


If you noticed something new, please, I want to hear it!

You know that gifset of Maya checking out Carina in the bikini is funny and cute but what makes it is how believable the actress that pays Maya’s expressions are. Idk if she’s gay/bi irl but sometimes I get so turned off wlw ships because the actresses are so obviously not into it. They do that oldtimey mash mouth kiss or look so deadeyed in any romantic scenes. It’s like, relax. we all know you’re straight! Just do your job (acting) well! Idk I noticed it lately in some CW shows, it’s annoying

 Heh, what is it about this scene that prompts this kind of ask

I do very much appreciate their chemistry and the intensity and believability Danielle Savre brings to the role, but I don’t think I’ve personally noticed what you’re talking about when it comes to actresses visibly not into it. So many different factors are at play, what kind of show it is and who it’s targeted at, what stage the relationship’s at, what life stage the character’s at, and then if there’s certain attention being paid to not come across as male gazey or salacious or just network pressure to tone things down and so on. 

Yeah, of course there are actors who might be stiffer and awkward with female costars while offering a much smoother, more enthusiastic point of comparison with male characters but I don’t really notice it much, or look for it, I guess. It requires so much reading into motivation, I’m usually like, oh, there must’ve been a reason, and shrugging.

So I’m deeply crushing on Hannah John Kamen, as one does ? I’ve seen a couple of your gif sets of her from The Stranger, but I’ve heard she really isn’t in it very much. Are there any scenes of hers that you haven’t gif’d yet?

 As one should. Oh, hmm, well, yeah, she isn’t in it as much as the lead, Richard Armitage, and I can understand someone saying she isn’t in it much, relatively, but there’s way more of her than I’ve giffed, especially ep 5. She’s not in just a couple of scenes, she’s sprinkled throughout.

THANK YOU for posting maya ive been trying to find her for the longest. I saw the gifs with her at the pool with like 21 000 notes and I was immediately ???interested lmao. That show has many, many gorgeous women (also vic? WASTED lesbian potential ugh) but maya is my fave. Also that uniform? It WORKS. eso when they just have the pants and t-shirt. I feel like I’m living in golden age of hot gay women on TV feeling #blessed lol

 Heh, yeah, that clip was super fun! It had everything. 

I wouldn’t say many women, most of the time it’s three? Barring guest stars, it’s mostly just Andy, Maya, and Vic. Who is, yes, totally wasted potential. Actually, I have a friend who ships her and Maggie from Grey’s but I guess it’s just gonna be Jackson in the middle for now. But never say never, with this show/franchise, considering Teddy.

The uniforms are a special bonus, especially when there are like three different versions of them. And the t-shirt and pants version definitely shows them off well. 3×06 was a Maya showcase in that particular outfit.