Can we agree to wait until May 1rst yo decide if the movie is gonna be bad or now? It really bothers me a little how people jump to said is queer baiting and that is gonna be Bad and the movie is not even out yet

Okay, this I also really wish I’d answered earlier, since now we’re just a week away, but. On the other hand, nothing we say would have made a difference to people complaining. And I certainly wasn’t calling it bad or queerbaiting, which, I don’t even use that word anymore when it comes to f/f rep, canon OR subtext. I have a lot of thoughts about it, but ultimately, it’s just not very useful.

But yeah, of course, I do think people should be allowed to have complaints, but also, it’s just courtesy to not ruin it for others. Given how talented but also thoughtful Alice Wu tends to be, even if people have seen the script, the execution and end product do matter a lot. And ultimately, even if it is exactly what the script and trailer promise and disappoints people hoping for a more romcom execution, it’s unfair to sum up something’s objective quality based on subjective preferences.

But people are going to vent and rant on their blogs, you may just want to be careful about visiting the tags, or just try to ignore it. Surely the negative comments are the exception.

the thing I’m finding really novel about vagrant queen is how they have elida, the protagonist who in most shows wouldn’t be allowed to be anything but straight, be the one who’s caught feelings from day one, while amae, the supporting character who’s already been established as canonically gay, is taking longer to fall, ’cause it feels like it’s usually the other way around

For sure, I almost didn’t believe it from the trailers, and then even when I realized it’d be a thing, I thought it’d be Amae who would chase after Elida while she would be too standoffish. But I do hope Amae falls like, soon, lol. Elida doesn’t seem to open up easily, I don’t want to see her hurt when she does.

Girl, are you going to gif Carina’s scenes from GA ?!? ???

I wasn’t really…gonna? I do download and skim through Grey’s now, just for her scenes and in case Maya pops up, but she hasn’t so far, and even Carina hardly shows up. She had some parts in the recent finale because of Amelia’s baby but she mostly just kinda smiled supportively. Was there anything you wanted in particular?

I started laughing about what you said about watching and the stopping for a bit when Maya and Jack became a thing because name ??? for real though, even if my hopes for Maya and carina are low as hell, I hope they stop yanking Maya around like a plot device for whatever story they want to do with Andy.. it’s not doing either of them Justice and it’s wrecking a pretty nice friendship…

Lol, yeah, as soon as Maya started casually showing up in Jack’s scenes, I was like, nope. I hoped they wouldn’t go there because of that ep where Ryan helped with her brother (and god, their dad did a number on them) and I’d been afraid THAT might have been a thing and of course it wasn’t, but no such luck this time. I would have preferred Ryan, tbh, I just dislike Jack in general, for both of them. I like Andy with Ryan and I actually like her a lot with Sullivan, it’s not hating m/f in general. But Jack…like, so many deaths and he’s still alive? Okay. >_>

And right! Maya’s plots are often not so much about her as they are her doing something to Andy. Now this new thing, which AGAIN, Andy might be mad at Maya about. You can just make it a solid relationship, show, there doesn’t have to be this drama. Although I guess that’s literally not true for them, as long as it’s on screen, there has to be drama attached. Which applies to all serialized media to some extent but this franchise takes it to an extreme. 

It’s our luck that the one independent thing Maya had, with Carina, might not even shown to its fullest this season. It looked like DeLuca’s storyline was picking up at the end of the Grey’s finale, which was originally just a regular ep but had to be made into the finale because their taping was cut short. And we also know that since they want to pick up where they left off next season, they’ve edited out any parts from S19 that reference what would have happened in the rest of the Grey’s season. I’m just guessing but some of that might have been related to Carina and her brother. Maybe Teddy and her cheating, but I can’t imagine the S19 people care tons about that. I just hope we still get that scene in the captain’s office.