My guess is just that the whisper is that they go explore another part of the beach. An innocent start. Vera acting on instinct, knowing she wants more alone time with Marcela without quite realizing exactly what she wants. Then, once they are there, Vera just stares at Marcela. She can’t help it. And Marcela is no dummy, she knows what that sort of look means. She isn’t sure if Vera knows what it means though, so she takes pity on Vera and kisses her.

Wow, getting a whole little ficlet in my inbox, and one that actually seems really in-character! Nice, anon.

That actually is super possible… It would go like that, as with so much of their interactions, Vera just throws stuff out there, Marcela would be the one to understand what she actually needed and shape it into what Vera didn’t even know she was asking for. God, I can literally imagine it, Vera just staring at Marcela, kind of challenging but imploring at the same time. 

Would you give your left arm to know what Vera said to Marcela when they were high and dancing? Im trying to imagine the most Vera come on I can think off but nothing.

YES, omg, yes. I can’t believe they deprived us of THAT??? I genuinely thought maybe they’d show us in a flashback or at least tell us! 

What a huge moment, the actual shift, and Vera putting herself out there like that, even if the ‘shrooms lowered her inhibitions (and yes, I know she barely has them at the best of times, but she will protect herself if she feels vulnerable), how did she phrase it, why did she think she even had a chance? I bet it was something jokey and filthy, in case Marcela shot her down, she’d just laugh it off. 

If it’d actually been written into the show, I’d have expected it to be built off their earlier conversation, about being brave, but if I just imagined the most Vera line, it’d probably be “Hey, baby, wanna go fuck?” That girl is blunt.