windscribe is a very easy to use and decent vpn service which has a free version that gives u an allowance of 10g a month, and it’s easy to turn on and off as needed. not a sponsored post LOL

Heh, no, thanks, that sounds promising. I know others have trials but they don’t usually offer that many gigs. 

@asexual-isobel-evans replied to your post “Hey, do you have any suggestions for free VPN apps? I watch a lot of…”

vpn 360 doesn’t charge you for a month, and then it’s $11 (but if you have a specific thing you wanna watch, you can cancel before it charges you)

Ooh, a time-based trial’s also pretty good.

@dadutchess​ replied to your post “Hey, do you have any suggestions for free VPN apps? I watch a lot of…”

DNS is better than VPS tbh. I use!

Oh, I’ve seen this suggested as a trick sometimes, but haven’t ever tried it meself. I’ll have to look into it. 

Also, remember that you may need to change your timezone to match the source and disable Chrome’s WebRTC.

Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone!