you don’t have to publish this but for the record there’s been rumours about Atypical having ties to Autism Speaks since the beginning but the official Atypical Twitter directly responded to someone in 2017 saying that they did not consult with Autism Speaks for the show. the tweet is still viewable, and was recently retweeted by someone i follow which is why i was reminded of it. so there’s that to also add to the mix i guess.

Well, I’d hoped that by the time I got to this batch of asks I’d have cycled back around to giffing more Atypical but I’m not even close. I’ll just answer them anyway. 😮

Okay, despite how quickly I published the first ask about them, I didn’t really see any urgency in posting this because while it does clarify this one thing, that they’re not funded by nor did they consult with Autism Speaks as of 2017, they’re still heartily endorsed by them and there’s still criticism of their rep.

But it is worth at least correcting that point:

What’s your opinion on the 19 episodes so far? Do you think it was unnecessary?

Not even a little bit! I LOVE THIS. I love the care that went into it, I love that somebody was like, but if we’re going to make a separate movie and series just for this couple, people will need to know about them, and their answer wasn’t, well, they should have watched the original series (which isn’t even up on the site anymore), instead they took the time and trouble and resources to edit a whole new 40~ minute ep series with its own narrative, because this IS different, this has new scenes, new takes, it works in the relevant outside story through flashbacks. Somebody hunted up all those extra scenes. This is an actual Juliantina series. Even those of us who’ve watched the original clips and know them back and forth can see new things here.

Edit: This is just a start, right. The first step on the spinoff journey. And hoping for an audience outside just the original shippers.