Hi there, how are you liking Perry Mason so far? I have been considering watching it because of Tatiana Maslany :)

Hey! Uh, well, originally I wasn’t too keen on it but it’s grown on me. It felt like that prestige TV hollowness papered over by style and sex and violence, too busy trying to be cool and mysterious to actually establish the characters, but either it’s started doing better with them or I’ve just gotten used to it, because I am liking it more now. 

Whether or not I’d fully recommend it depends on if this upcoming season finale actually resolves this case and leaves people better off, or if it’ll be the typical bittersweet “life sucks, it’s deep to point that out” thing modern TV likes so much. TMas is great, but I wouldn’t watch it just for her unless you’re a huge fan. 

I loved that scene with Della and Hamilton from the last episode of Perry Mason. It made me wonder weather they are actually engaged (for appearances’ sake) or Ham just likes to joke about it. Thoughts?

Hmm. I thought it was an off the cuff joke he was making, the way Della looked at him in reaction, kind of narrowing her eyes. I feel like if he WERE her fiance we’d have heard it mentioned by literally anybody else before this, Perry, Hazel, EB, even Hamilton to Perry, but I guess it could be a bearding arrangement they don’t talk much about. Oh, but another mark against it would be the huge conflict of interest it must be? At least for Barnes to cause some drama.

If this were a different show, one without all this history that it’s the origin story for, I would almost think it was foreshadowing an engagement precisely because of all the drama but it feels like a lavender marriage between existing characters Della Street and Hamilton Burger is a bit too far even for a 2020 reboot.

I’m watching perry mason and i’m confused lol. Does della live with hazel? And who was that other guy? Did i miss something haha

Do you mean that guy Hazel was sitting across the dinner table from, in ep 4? They’re probably all renting rooms from that older lady. Boarding houses like that used to be common, I mean, I guess they still are, as roommate situations, but back then, the landlady would often provide meals for her lodgers. I think Hazel probably has her own separate room, at least for appearance’s sake, but she probably sneaks into Della’s room often.

Had to IMDb Juliet Rylance bc she looked so familiar and of course she was in American Gothic playing another wlw, love that type casting!

Haha, yes! I’m super grateful. I first saw her in a non-wlw role and loved her so much I went back and was like, ohhh, it’s her in American Gothic? *immediate watch* It was SUCH a pleasant surprise when her character turned out to be f/f in Perry Mason. Della Street is pretty iconic in her own right so I was going to love her played by Rylance anyway, especially when she was by far the most interesting and caring character, but then kissing a lady! :))))

ooo what’s this perry show? is it any good, i saw tatiana maslany is in it

Honestly, I’m not loving it as a whole. >_> It’s a reboot of the original Perry Mason show, which aired all the way back in the ‘60s! But that was a legal drama, here, they’ve made him a private detective. My own memories were of catching reruns of not the original show but the TV movies they made with the same actors many years later but I still didn’t even watch those, I just saw some old guy in a court and that was it.

History lesson aside, this is HBO so of course it’s Prestige, with the money to match. They’ve changed the time and set it back in the ‘30s, investigating a baby kidnapping/murder. It’s not just a mystery, right, there’s a lot of setting the scene and supporting background work. Tatiana Maslany’s character is an evangelical (based on the same real life person Kerry Bishe’s character in Penny Dreadful: City of Angels was) who offers some of that color, and is supporting the dead baby’s mother.

I’m finding it gorgeous to look at but not really particularly compelling, otherwise. Yet, anyway. Della Street is the secretary of the lawyer who keeps Perry hired, and is pretty independent-minded and awesome, so her parts are cool but she’s not anywhere near the lead, so. This fourth ep was the first with any details about her background, and they weren’t much.