Damn i really needed more from Ivy in that episode

Honestly, this was my biggest disappointment. I didn’t love every choice made this season but I could at least see why they were made, what they were going for, and honestly, individually, I would finish each of the previous eps and be like, I really enjoyed that. Heck, I loved the banter with the Justice League in the last ep and had been hoping they would show up, I don’t get how that seemed so much more natural and fun than most of this ep, which was just kind of forced along by plot.

But the understanding was always that, as much as they were separated and we were seeing Harley’s POV, at some point we would get to see Ivy’s. The finale would have benefited so much, following ep 12, when everything’s revealed, as being the Ivy Ep, going deeper into her background and feelings and really show why she was so determined to marry a guy she didn’t love, and then end with her making the decision to go with Harley. We’ve seen similar eps for Harley in both seasons, where she had her epiphanies and made her speeches. 

Like, the big moment in the car in the end, when Ivy’s like, Harley just trying is enough…what did she mean, was the driving around in the parking lot maze (the maize maze, lol) getting lost the part that convinced her? I said it earlier, but Harley’s clearly been trying to fix things for a while, so narratively, is simply KM removing himself the reason why? That comes across so….I mean, maybe that was to save them from being the bad guys, let KM be the one to end it, but she could have made her choice and he could have been like, I understand, and bowed out gracefully, and that would not have changed much! Because surprise, people are still freaking angry at Harlivy. Misogyny and homophobia didn’t go anywhere, if they really wanted to not make them the bad guys, then don’t write in the cheating to begin with. 

I just hope now that a lot of what we’d wanted for these eps happens in season 3. If I’m honest, just returning to season 1 level interactions but now with the explicitly romantic layer would be enough for me, heh.