So like… they ruined Molly this season! Hopefully they’ll get a season 3 and fix it up!

Yeahhhh, not really a Molly season, was it. I don’t consider her ruined, Luna was pretty clear about what she wanted. 

Of course, Molly could have stayed in town and shown up at the trial even if she was blocked visitor access, that’s something the writers decided to not go with. I guess they wanted to continue their drifting apart storyline, which was there from the start, we just thought it was going to be temporary and something they’d work through. Molly tried to be supportive but she’d had such a rough time of it before and seemed to want to catch up on all the fun she’d missed out on. 

Tbh, they’d foreshadowed it from the very start:


I don’t know if the ending implied they’ll come back together after this, having grown separately, or if that’s the end of that, but I wouldn’t rule out a reunion in s3.

That scene between Luna and Molly broke my heart! I’m literally crying!!!! She kept saying “baby don’t, baby” :'( :'( :'( and all joanna and luna’s scenes????? Were fucking amazing! jesus they are gonna kill me

It was so emotional! And I get it, I get where Luna’s coming from, ironically the same place as Juliana in Amar a Muerte, but in the same way, it’s totally not their decision to make. 

It’s still a little bewildering to me that they glossed over why Molly seemed to be absent in their relationship lately. Of course we’re past that now but it seemed rather pointed that Molly wasn’t even picking up the call Luna placed from jail. I have a bit of a theory that I hope is totally wrong and really has no actual backing, except for how TV writers like to go for the most unexpected killer, but…what if Molly killed David? That’s why she didn’t pick up the call, that’s why she was crying when she realized Luna’d been picked up for it and why she was so sure Luna hadn’t done it?

I really, really love Joanna being so much on Luna’s side. I was afraid her doubt would be one of the bigger plot points for this arc, and it might still come up later, but at the moment, Joanna would do anything for her, probably the only person in the world with that status.

Hey idk if you’re still on BoT but on the new season, why do you think Molly’s been acting so wild always parting and not picking up Luna’s phone when she was away? Do you think they’ll go into it this season?

I think they’ll definitely get into it, they have to, don’t they? This was the thing that was going to either drive them apart or bring them closer together (or both) and well, Molly headed over immediately once she heard the message. So that’s not terrible. I think they’ll probably fight and bicker some more, and it’ll come out that maybe Molly’s just wanted to relax and not confront reality or anything, after the unfairness of getting sick the way she did?