hey so topic switch from your current asks lol but it’s nice to see you on the manifest tag! did you hear the creator say saanvi would have a romantic plot line in the upcoming season 3 with a character we won’t expect? i’m super curious about it because expected characters would be alex or ben so i’m assuming it won’t be either of them esp. with how good ben/grace are.. won’t lie there’s a part of me hoping it’ll be mick’s partner drea plus the actress has played gay before in charmed (i feel like ben with his connect the dots board rn) or maybe a new character entirely? either way i can’t wait to see what they do with saanvi considering how she ended this last season

Ooh, yes, Manifest, honestly, I’d forgotten all about that. I hadn’t heard anything about it in ages, I wasn’t sure it was even returning anytime soon. Wait, I liked her with Alex, boooo. But I’m glad she won’t die, she was in some trouble at the end .D:

Hmm…right, I’m glad it’s most likely not Ben, I actually really like him with Grace. That dance in the middle of the street…ah, Josh Dallas can do that Charming gaze quite well, heh. 

Not Alex or Ben…I guess Bethany’s also kind of predictable, as the other wlw, and I’d never want to see them broken up (but would like to see more of them in general, please!). Drea definitely fits and I would of course love to see Ellen Tamaki in another f/f role and just have more to do on this show (though most of all I’d love to see her return to Charmed :/), but I’m mostly just hoping it’s not Jared or Zeke, Saanvi doesn’t need to be involved with all that. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if they brought Lourdes back. But no, I think the new character guess isn’t a bad one, it might even be like, someone involved with the military/government? Surely she’s going to only be more embedded on that side of the plot after the season finale, or with, like, someone who knows the Major. But who knows, they’ve kept her…plot-centric enough, I don’t have complaints about that, but so separated from the other characters, her story seems a bit more random than everyone else’s.

Parveen Kaur is gorgeous! It’s ridiculous! (and bless now we have her plays a wlw in manifest lol I was hoping that she would!)

She is! I confess, I wasn’t really taking much notice of her at first, she was added along with several other people to Saving Hope at a time when I was still focused on the established characters’ stories and then the big arc she got was at first terrible for her character, but by the end I really liked her. It was great to see her pop up on Manifest and even before the pronoun hiding with Alex or the explicit wlw story she was a compassionate, kickass character, solving those Callings with her medical skills.

I saw some people are scared that the current arc will lead to her death and I don’t know why, unless I missed some promo, but I’d be furious if so. Aside from being a wlw it’d be such a loss to the show, the one main character who isn’t a Stone and who uses science to such a degree. No way they’d punish her to this extent for looking at a different avenue…