I started watching the full show and honestly! the tension between Lucia and Eva! is wild! ??? so distracting hah

Yes! And this isn’t even a case where we’ll ship literally any two women in a frame. They took these two women of a similar age and power and gave them a specific dynamic around a person.


But then reinforced the strength of that particular dynamic even outside of that person.


And then took that person away. So we ended up getting so many scenes where these two women, played by really talented, gorgeous actresses, just kept on sparking off each other.


And it’s such a specific kind of back and forth, where the plot relies on their enmity and feeds on it. The moment they see or even hear each other, you can feel the hackles going up. The energy in the room changes.

I will say, though, that I wish they’d made up before the end. If there’s a season 2, I can’t see what it would be if not about Lucia’s transmigration, and then while she and Leon will be a major thing, her making up with Eva would be the natural step for both.

So Michel brown said in his ig live that theres no s2 ? so maybe maca getting all excited is for juliantina spinoff?

I guess so, I’ve seen Angelique say no too, but that’s for more obvious reasons, lol. Bye, Lucia. ;_;

And another anon:

let this sink in Lucia died without knowing about Val and Juls. goodnight

…aw, man, that’s true. Tsk. I really wish they’d restructured some of the last weeks. I know certain characters had to be kept apart for plot reasons, e.g., when Juls was kidnapped Val and Eva didn’t meet so Val couldn’t say, Alacran has Juls, and Val often needed to be in a place where she had no support so her despair and resulting strength would be clearer, but dammit, there really could have been a time and place for them to talk and for Lucia to find out and offer some quiet support.

And another anon:

So Lucía really came and went huh?

🙁 Not really pleased Lucia died, Eva went to jail, while Chino is walking around free AND happy. I’m happy Mateo survived, at least! But I don’t really get the purpose of “this character did bad so they must pay” when it’s not applied equally. How has Chino paid? And for the mistakes he’s made, including his terrible parenting of Eva, Leon’s fine too? 

I really hope lucia makes it through okay. I feel like her and Juliana would understand each other so well and could really bond. Plus they would both love how sweet the other is with Val

Yeah, it sucks that Lucia might not even know about Juliantina and that if she does, it’ll be so brief. 

Nobody on this show is perfect (although our girls are certainly more perfect than the rest, lol) and I think they’ve done a good job of making Lucia in particular very sympathetic and understandable and likable. Her and Juls would have been great together, their very difficult childhoods, so pragmatic but still open to love, charmed by their respective super romantic Carvajals. It’d be great if she lived to be able to get Val’s forgiveness and bond with Juls.

Would you mind giving us a quick break-down of where all the storylines are at going into the finale? Why are people saying Lucia might die? :(

Okay, so all the Carvajal kids and Johny and Lucia now know Jacobo is Leon. Guille and Val are thrilled but he’s taking a tough love approach to Eva because of the trouble she’s put the company in. He wants Eva to turn herself into the police but she’s currently with Alacran who has kidnapped and is torturing Mateo. She’s also, for some reason, told Alacran all about Leon and Chino Valdes, who as you know, he has been trying to chase down the whole show for stealing from him.

Jacobo knows that Eva is with Alacran and has recruited Beltran to help get her back. Jacobo and Beltran are also at the stage of their transmigration where their butterfly tattoos are hurting and bleeding much more frequently, and for no reason now, whereas before it only happened when they were doing something bad. From what we’ve seen before, they’re soon either going to have to fully accept things and lead better lives now or their bodies are going to fully die. We still don’t know where Leon’s real body is, and Beltran/Chino is having trouble with his new family because Beltran’s wife wants the real Beltran back.

Lupe has accepted Panchito’s proposal but still isn’t really sure about it, inexplicably still thinking about Chino, which Juls is frustrated at. She goes to talk to Beltran to tell him to leave them alone, but he just yells at her about being gay and threatens Val.

Val and Juls are back at a good place, though not yet together together, Val is very eager to tell Juls about Leon being Jacobo/Chino’s body. She’s also been very affectionate with and shown her gratitude to Lucia for helping them through the time they all thought Leon was gone, she sees her as another person who loved Leon as much as she did and is now also getting another chance with him. Lucia, though, feels very guilty about it all and also worried, because Leon knows about her and Johny.

Montilla, the cop, has figured out Johny is a bad guy and goes to arrest him but Johny starts shooting at the police.

Now, spoilers and spec as to why people think Lucia might die: the actress who plays her has said that this isn’t the typical telenovela ending and people are interpreting that to mean that that means, unlike other endings where the leads get to be happy, she might die. Also, the promo for the finale seems to have her being shot. That seems such a major spoiler, so who knows if it bears out. We’ll just have to see, the show has surprised us again and again.

I so wish I could understand Spanish and/or could see the full eps in English (let’s start a worldwide trending topic: #Netflix pick up Amar a muerte!! ;)). You wouldn’t be able to give a quick rundown on what happened between Eva/Mateo and Lucia/Leon, would you…? :-)

Netflix would be great, we’d get full proper subtitles and be able to support it officially.

Mateo confronted Eva about the affair and asked about the baby’s parentage and Eva tried to explain how it’d all started. It was just long angsty scene after scene.

Jacobo took Lucia to the theater where he’d originally proposed as Leon and then revealed it was him.

i actually have a lot of faith in Lucia being the one to help Val and Juls. I know she cares a lot about Valentina and knows how much Juliana means to her so maybe she’ll facilitate them getter back together? at the very least i think she’d accept them and not deliberately try to keep them apart

That’s all true for the person we know as Lucia, but in terms of how much time is left and how much other plot she’s going to be dragged into, I don’t really know if she’ll get the chance. At the least, for sure, I don’t think she’ll have any issue with it, both the same-sex aspect or that Juliana’s, you know, a poor. I would actually really like if she helped them get together…that’d be a very nice role to give her. 

And another anon:

em can you tell me why was eva crying in the previous episode(80), I’m not watching the whole show so I dont really know

I did answer this before, I know there are a lot of replies to go over but I do try to tag specific characters. 

Just pasting it here again:

Mateo, her husband, found out that she’s been having an affair with a cartel leader, that her baby might be that cartel guy’s, and she’s been helping him launder money through the family company.

i really like Lucia, she is not the usual telenovela stepmom, she begins like the usual ones being a golddigger and all BUT she really cares about the Carvajal’s (Eva not so much cause Eva doesnt like her), she really cares for Val and it’s shown many times how gentle and sweet she is with her, she cares about Guille as well, she is even nice and respectful with Chivis, with Alerio. Most novela’s stepmoms mistreat everyone and act fake, she doesnt.

It helps that she’s more the lead, if anything, but yeah, I really like her too. 

I hope she doesn’t die, she’s a great character and if given the chance, a great person too. In all the ways you listed, she’s shown to be kind and respectful to other people. She didn’t just get what was hers and then turn on people, she’s still always nice to them. She’s only met Juls the once but greeted her politely and offered to get her a ride. 

She definitely doesn’t fit into any one slot, scheming black widow or stepmom or victim, she’s just trying to play the hand life dealt her. And I think Angelique Boyer plays her with a lot of depth, a lot of warmth balancing with the hardness from her old life. 

We have Renata and I’m sure Lucia will take it well

Lucia’s going to take it exactly the opposite of Eva on principle, lmao. Although, although, on a deeper level, she probably understands Juls the most. There’s a reason Lucia/Leon are often paralleled against Juls/Val. They’re both from difficult childhoods and have fought to overcome the external stigma and their own issues that come from it. And they’re in love with incredibly romantic Carvajals.

Renata owns a cat, I mean, we knew she’d be fine with it.