Could you gif a couple moments in the car scene. right after juliana tells val she’ll eventually have to leave she can see that she made val sad so juls makes the real cute frowny face and then after she says “don’t be like this” she leans in a brushes her nose against vals to comfort her
usually in mexico they celebrate name days, as a low key birthday. so, yeah, no way Valentia doesnt know when san valentin is
Wellll, we could headcanon that this family doesn’t do it or maybe she left for Canada and stopped, but surely she would have then remembered it from her childhood. So is it just a flub from Maca? That she then corrects mid-sentence?

Actually, now I’m on the side of it being written. As real as it looks and as minor a detail as it would have been, that’s what makes them laugh, which then segues into being interrupted by Lucho in the scene itself. So kudos to the writers and Maca, I guess?
is amar a muerte actually good? or should i just watch the juliana/valentina scenes?
Heh, that’s a loaded question. It really depends on what you enjoy and your tolerance for certain things. I think if you really enjoy Juliantina, the rest of the show deepens them. You see them with other characters, in other situations, their part in the main plots.
Unusually, I’d say the f/f is probably written the best. The characters and their storyline develop naturally and directly. I like Lucia, Jacobo, Eva, Mateo, Guille, and Renata but the rest of the show isn’t as well done, to me, as Juliantina. I don’t think, even if it had proper full subs, I’d watch the whole show if Juliantina didn’t exist. But it does, with both the characters in pretty big roles, and everything they touch is somehow improved by it. The Carvajal scenes with Val, for example, are kind of great.
If you haven’t started the show yet, maybe watch the first eps and see how you feel. They don’t meet till 9, 10 eps in, so if you don’t like the first eps, you can skip ahead.
Or, you can take this anon’s advice:
I highly suggest to the people who only watch juls and Val scenes to watch the rest of the show it’s actually good and very entertaining
It might just be me but I think maca looks sooo much like lele pons (she’s from Venezuela) ???? Like first time I saw the show I thought lele went into acting. Can someone validate me plz
I…guess…the lips? Someone else validate this anon, lol, I don’t see it THAT much.
When is 5pm?? What’s the time difference????
6pm EST, 11pm GMT. 11 minutes from now.
have you watched ackley bridge?
Ohhh, good point, anon, yeah, that should be some fodder for the ole muslim lgbt tag. Even if her arc last season was about dating a Nazi…