It’s not dumb, I get it, but I don’t think this will follow Sarah Connor’s story that literally. For one, I don’t think she’ll be able to have Grace’s baby as easily as Sarah did Kyle Reese’s, but also, from what I can recall, the plot and spoilers have kind of alluded to the future leader of the resistance being…her? Not her kid.
cw shows are so predictable that as soon as they start having a m/f friendship w solo scenes, u know exactly where it’s leading. SPoiler alert if ur not caught up on in the dark, but for real, as soon as CW shows start having a girl hang out w a guy, u know they’re setting up a hookup, even if the girl is a lesbian. ?? idk if Jess/ Felix actually slept together Bc I turned the ep off when they started making out, but in the dark did the fastest implosion of a lesbian arc I’ve seen so far.
Oh. I don’t like that.
I wasn’t caught up, actually, but you know, in an earlier ep, I’d been thinking, huh, the friendship between these two is nice but I hope that’s how it remains, because as you said, just having a guy and girl hang out, EVEN IF THE GIRL IS A LESBIAN. Wow. Even making out, why…after all the emphasis on Jess’s being a lesbian to the point of like, shaming her poor gf for ever having been with a guy. Wow. Damn. Now I’m going to be super slow to catch up, if I ever do. But thanks for letting me know, and this is certainly a discussion point.
I noticed you were one of the few juliantina blogs that didnt freak out over maca’s photo shoot with bridget. What did you think? It legit made me sad bc it felt like a betrayal (not to juls, but Barb) and I hate seeing the fandom tease her about being jealous that the photoshoot wasn’t with her. I get that maca’s career is further along, but I wonder if the tables were turned and everyone started shipping barb with someone else, how maca would react…
Ah, actually, anon, I did like the photoshoot. As you might have noticed, I usually just post original gifs, not many reblogs or pics. If you look at my likes, that’s the real indication of my interests and those were full of the photoshoot. I actually thought it was a really fun collision of a bunch of things and good for both fandoms.
And when you think about it, its very existence, a wlw conducting a photoshoot with a queer actress from a f/f ship from a Netflix show and an actress from a f/f ship from a Mexican telenovela, that would have been unthinkable just a year ago. In fact, it happening now is amazing. That’s the kind of thing to look at. The actor dynamics you’re looking at, those will evolve and change in time and aren’t for the fans to be concerned about.
Even now, you sent this some days back and I assume Barbara being open with fans yesterday probably already made you feel better. But really, anon, don’t think of it that way…at all. Especially in terms of jealousy and like…shipping? Wanting more on Barbara’s behalf, not wanting her to be teased, that’s a nice show of empathy, but don’t go too far and read into it when it’s not yours to read into. Whatever your suspicions, which might be more wishful thinking than anything else, doesn’t it do Barbara and Maca a disservice to not take them at their word? It is 100% true that sexuality is complicated and heteronormativity exists and all that, we all have our experiences and we’ve watched these stories in fiction, but it’s so not a fan’s or even a friend or family member’s place to insist on that when it comes to a real person. I would suggest taking quite a step back and focus on what they’ve been generous enough to share with us and not go beyond those lines.
Who is more whipped ? Valentina or Juliana ?!?!?!?!
Hah, trick question if I’ve ever heard one, buddy. You can’t catch me out. They are the epitome of

If there’s anything one of them particularly wants the other to do…it will be done. What’s more, they both actively look for ways to make the other happy without even being asked. THAT is the level of mutual whippedosity they have reached.
I’m going to try to cheer you up, let’s get this burger you clearly want, I’m going to ditch my job to have coffee with you, have this necklace, have this shirt, I’ll teach you swimming, I’ll teach you dancing, it just goes on and on.
This is kinda why I can’t reconcile that unconfirmed spoiler about them being separated during a timeskip because how could two people who would do anything for the other not be able to reach some kind of understanding on whatever could possibly tear them apart?
Yes, yes, “what if they have to separate because of the danger they bring to the other, that’s them being unselfish” but both their families are total danger magnets so you can’t argue one brings more danger than the other, and the whole point of story is to overcome obstacles, not to MENTION, that can’t be an obstacle for a timeskip because it can’t be resolved through time and distance, which is the point of them. Like what, are the cartel going to disappear off screen? So if it happens, it’s so purely going to be for drama and not character driven, which, yes, telenovelas, but you can’t decide that for the ending.
hi are you going to gif today’s kana please? ?
Hi! I actually haven’t watched today’s episodes yet, though I want to, I really want to. I’ve just had work, then a nap because I stayed up late for the election results, now getting something to eat before more work in a bit. And I really want to enjoy it and not squash it in between other tasks.
At the least, I want to redo the engagement ring pic gifs in better quality, lol.
hi are you going to gif today’s kana please? ?
Hi! I actually haven’t watched today’s episodes yet, though I want to, I really want to. I’ve just had work, then a nap because I stayed up late for the election results, now getting something to eat before more work in a bit. And I really want to enjoy it and not squash it in between other tasks.
At the least, I want to redo the engagement ring pic gifs in better quality, lol.