Hah, that part. It almost makes me laugh now. What was she going to do? Take on this guy with a gun in an elevator?

Yes. Yes, she was going to. Val having to corral her, lol.
Look at this moment, after she’s brained Beltran and she and Lupe are freaked OUT and like, warily backing away, scared of what he’ll do, this very second has Lupe holding out a calming hand and Juls STILL has this attitude.

The very epitome of the (ง’̀-‘́)ง emoji. She’s always so ready to fight! That narco, Chino, freaking Alacran, his men. She’d probably have challenged Servando if she’d been able to get into the house. Truly Val’s Prince Charming. ^_^
Tbh, that’s probably why she’s just so unequipped to deal with Val, someone who it’s just so easy to be with, where it’s not just a fight of some sort all the time. Even with Lupe, she is so frustrated with her sticking with Chino and doesn’t understand and questions her often. There’s none of that with Val. She keeps thinking the other shoe’ll drop and eyeing the exit and Val just keeps gently pulling her back. I live for the day when Juls realizes she can stop fighting.