As someone who’s watching In the Dark: Jess didn’t sleep with Felix, she stopped when he pulled down his boxers and she said something along the lines “I’m SO gay”. Even though they made clear Jess is indeed a lesbian I wasn’t happy with the scene. It was so unnecessary: Jess wasn’t questioning her sexuality, it didn’t add anything to the storyline. Maybe the writer was also smoking pot writing that scene…

Oh, thanks for clarifying! And yes, even getting to this point JUST so they can make that joke…meh.

And another anon:

Lmao I was actually the one that started watching Bc of ur gifset ? But I knew the possibilities when I started another cw show lol. I’m 100% uninterested in any arc where Jess realizes she’s bi after being completely biphobic and secure in her identity as a lesbian. It’s bad messaging all around. And just plain bad writing. I’m so sick of storylines where lesbians gotta prove they’re gay by fucking a dude or where sexuality is only fluid for lesbians. I get ppl can be fluid irl, but still.

Oh lol, whoops. Glad you don’t hold it against me. 😛 And it looks like it isn’t Jess discovering she’s bi, but it still doesn’t help anything. Just, what even was the point… Gotta reinforce she’s a lesbian by having her actively not sleep with a man on screen? 

Yup, dismissive of bisexuality to the end, along w having a lesbian fuck a guy Bc lesbians gotta sleep w dudes if they’re being a Nice Guy™ right?? Like!! Esp disgusting after they had the arc where Jess admits she’s never slept w a dude Bc she knew she was gay & was uninterested in men. Smfh. Idgaf if she was high or drunk, it makes it all grosser. I had a feeling it was coming Bc last couple eps had her & Felix solo hanging out, but I’m still a little surprised tbh. Thx for letting me vent lol

Yep, insulting to everyone. I thought it was coming, after that one ep where Murphy had to feel a dead body so they camped out at Felix’s house and then also when she helped him order weed, but after both those times they retreated away from it and I was like, they know better, they wouldn’t do that. Hmph.

To give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they’ll have her come to terms with her own crappy attitude toward Vanessa, and she’ll realize she’s bi, but the road to getting here, after making such a big deal about her being a lesbian. It’s a terrible look. And no problem about the venting, I get that there aren’t many people watching and actually, I remember someone mentioning watching because I posted a gifset, so, I gotta take responsibility. 😛

If u don’t mind the spoilers, it was seriously such bushit that I’m done even if they didn’t sleep together (which. I’m pretty sure they did Bc she was going for his belt when I turned it off). Jess told Vanessa that she cheated on her, then they broke up. Vanessa was devastated & crying about it, later Felix said Jess only cheated Bc she knew her relationship w Vanessa wasn’t going anywhere & Jess agreed. So they break up, but were still talking. (1/?)

So then Jess told Vanessa they’re breaking up Bc it was only fun for Vanessa & she needed more, & Vanessa said she couldn’t give her that (WHICH. JESS WAS THE ONE THAT CHEATED, WHY WAS VANESSA APOLOGETIC.) Also wtf was this arc! They legit said ily to each other & started out serious/domestic, then it went to as if they were just fooling around, then it went to Jess treating her like shit & Vanessa suddenly flighty/aloof?! Oh, & then Jess was upset Vanessa went back on tinder. Garbage plots.

I absolutely don’t mind the spoilers in this case, and I can understand you wanting to vent with the details, that sounds atrocious. I’m genuinely disappointed, I thought the CW had decided to do better in its f/f and in the last three years had stopped making two of its largest mistakes. It’s not just that it’s bad rep, it’s just bad writing? Flipping back and forth like that, characters being unobservant and self-centered and OOC for the plot. “Only fun” for Vanessa…so they just stuck with that bizarre dismissive attitude toward bisexual people to the end, huh.

cw shows are so predictable that as soon as they start having a m/f friendship w solo scenes, u know exactly where it’s leading. SPoiler alert if ur not caught up on in the dark, but for real, as soon as CW shows start having a girl hang out w a guy, u know they’re setting up a hookup, even if the girl is a lesbian. ?? idk if Jess/ Felix actually slept together Bc I turned the ep off when they started making out, but in the dark did the fastest implosion of a lesbian arc I’ve seen so far.

Oh. I don’t like that. 

I wasn’t caught up, actually, but you know, in an earlier ep, I’d been thinking, huh, the friendship between these two is nice but I hope that’s how it remains, because as you said, just having a guy and girl hang out, EVEN IF THE GIRL IS A LESBIAN. Wow. Even making out, why…after all the emphasis on Jess’s being a lesbian to the point of like, shaming her poor gf for ever having been with a guy. Wow. Damn. Now I’m going to be super slow to catch up, if I ever do. But thanks for letting me know, and this is certainly a discussion point. 

Exactly! Such lazy writing! We do not need these shitty plots w lesbian/bi girls treating each other like shit! I’m sure they’ll end up going the “lesbian loses her bi gf Bc of her own insecurities” route and it’s so dumb. They’ve previously done some side-eye worthy stuff like Vanessa commenting on dick size & Jess feeling the need to buy a strap on, so I guess the insecurity didn’t come outta nowhere, but the way the plotline was handled & led to a cheating plot was absolute garbage. Ugh

And 100% agree that the writers didn’t need Jess lying to Vanessa to prop up Murphy. Murphy and Jess already had a great friendship. Having a lesbian treat her gf like shit, a girl she supposedly is in love with at that, and saying she could never treat her friend the same way is just gross. Almost as gross as the constant focus on “real” lesbians without acknowledging that bi women exist & aren’t thirsting to be w men when they’re in f/f relationships.

I don’t know if they’ll have Jess and Vanessa actually break up, everyone’s so messy, they might be able to get past it once it’s revealed, which surely it inevitably will be?. But maybe not, this might be the messiest thing someone “good” has done. 

And so messy! I know she has her insecurities, that’s consistent, fine, and it’s not even bad character writing, I just don’t see why it would have led to cheating? We’re meant to think Jess is rattled, sure, and upset about Vanessa dismissing her concerns (which–they had to write Vanessa as suddenly flighty and dismissive too, huh), but she’s such a goody two shoes, this just seemed so contrived. To parallel her guilt about Wesley’s death, I get that, but are we really meant to equate her action of, what, being pressured to have a killer in her trunk for a few minutes and then not calling the cops when he gets hit by a car with cheating? The writing in this ep was definitely more about serving plot than character.

And another anon:

The biphobia on In the Dark this episode is so annoying. I gave them a pass with the strap on storyline, because I thought it felt real and at least Jess’s insecurity was understandable given Vanessa’s comment, but this episode just reinforced the worries I had in the back of my head during that storyline. To me, the main issue isn’t even that Jess is acting biphobic, but that the writing is. They don’t even acknowledge that Vanessa is bi, they act like she can only be a lesbian or experimenting

Yes! That’s the weirdest part, that those are the only two things anyone on the show thinks Vanessa can be. I don’t care if characters act a certain way, that’s actually organic and natural writing. People have different opinions, or even when they know something in their head, their heart feels differently, but if it’s the only opinion presented and there isn’t even an effort made to question that? As I’ve said before, if it’s something that’s already clear cut in real life, cheating is bad, murder is bad, I don’t need that to be called out as bad, but when it’s something hazy, when too many people are ignorant about it, I can’t understand why anyone would reinforce it. 

At this point I’m left to wonder if the writers actually think that themselves, if everything they write is with that approach.

Hell, it’s not even good writing to act like nobody in this group of young people knows what bisexuality is.

Spoiler alert if you’re not caught up on in the dark: not sure if you’re still watching it, but man, I’m annoyed with the newest ep. I know the focus was never on Jess/Vanessa, but I’m irritated that they went the cheating route with them and that Jess is embroiled in lying to the cops now. I really liked Jess & u know the lying will come back to bite her in the ass. And Jess/Vanessa are doomed Bc she cheated ugh there are zero f/f ships left again, even in the periphery. Need new f/f material.

Anon! I actually just finished watching it a little while ago and same! The lying to the cops part, I’m okay with that personally, that is just what the show is, people are going to get into and out of messes, and it gives her a plot and a reason to have her own screentime, but to Vanessa…and the whole “I could lie to the cops and Vanessa but not to you”, that diminishes her own relationship so much. You don’t have to prop up the main character THAT much, she doesn’t even need it! It’s a great friendship on its own. 

Maybe she shouldn’t be with Vanessa, if she can cheat on her and lie to her. I like my ships but I like shipping my ships. I really do like Vanessa but if Jess isn’t that into her, then don’t keep her around as some poor fool or to watch this slowly become a toxic mess. But really, my issue isn’t with the fact that Jess doesn’t seem to treat Vanessa as well as she should, it’s that the show uses them for convenience. And I really did not like how they threw around “actual/real lesbian”. The show’s reinforcing Jess’s incorrect attitude of putting her insecurities on Vanessa. First they make Vanessa dismiss Jess’s concerns so they can argue and then they act like that’s because she’s bi??? As if real lesbia–I’m just tired of even discussing this. It was lazy and dumb writing and I think the show could have done better.

where can I watch In the Dark?? That gifset made me super giddy!!

It’s a CW show so you could probably actually watch it on their site as long as you can get a US IP:

I don’t know that I’d recommend watching just for them, because they’re not the main characters, the show itself is about a misanthropic blind girl, Murphy, whose friend gets murdered but nobody believes her. One of the wlw in the gifset is the Murphy’s roommate (and also colleague) so she appears a fair amount and her girlfriend is often at their apartment but you know, overall, it’s not a lot of screentime. Honestly, I like the rest of the show too, I’d have watched even without the f/f, but I just wanted to be clear on that.