Re: people’s concerns about JC coming back in S2 and playing the Jesus role I think he’s really already had that arc and fulfilled his narrative purpose and won’t come back. He literally saved Ava from drowning, gave her shelter, and food. Figuratively he saved Ava because it was due to her feelings for him that she made her first selfless act and tried to protect him from the tarrosk. It’s also why we no longer get voiceover after that point it’s no longer about her and what she feels and wants

Hmm, those are all pretty fair points and really, it could very well go like that even if it hadn’t been originally planned, considering who audience feedback. But, we know how reluctant TPTB are to listen to feedback they consider as niche as this, and I also don’t know if they’re really willing to just have no young good-looking guys in a full season. Or good guys in general, since obviously Vincent can’t be trusted.

Plus, the voice over stopped because they just realized they didn’t need it as a narrative device, according to Simon Barry, so it didn’t really have any deeper meaning than that. I can see it both ways, really, that some writer will be like, it’d be weird to not bring back a character so integral to Ava’s effective reintroduction to the world while other writers will agree that his purpose has been fulfilled.

I was the first anon to bring up JC=Jesus Christ but oh my god I do not want that baby storyline, so sorry to putting that type of energy out there lmao

And another anon:

Lol sorry, years of Catholic school have primed me to see how Catholicism operates and it’s very much w women as mothers or whores and not the heroes of the story. But to be fair this show seems more critical of Catholicism than bound to its premises. But yes, I don’t think a pregnancy storyline is likely. Far more likely that they bring back JC as a savior figure, which I still really don’t want but season 1 was enjoyable so I’ll hope next season stays focused on the women.

Haha, no worries, anons. Hopefully. We’ll know who to blame if it happens… =_=

But yeah, this show seems to be straddling an interesting line where it’s not really condemning religion in itself but is certainly ready to examine the individual humans who follow it. I hope it actually does allow the more devout sisters to keep their faith next season, even if there are huge upheavals along the way. But it definitely doesn’t seem to think that women should be sidelined for men, so hopefully we can count on that.

Yeah I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility even tho it’s DEFINITELY not something I wanna see Bc I liked the second half of the season best when the friend group was gone, but I’m not entirely sure they would’ve wasted so much time on Ava goin back to them if it was just about her trying to live her life. But the focus on “saving” & the way he kept finding her and taking her in makes me think the sex scene might end up being relevant. I really hope no pregnancy plot. (1/2)

Bc I really don’t want the story to turn into Ava bearing a ~savior~ or whatever that’ll end up being battled over for fate of the world or battling Adriel. But Ava could be a play on Ave Maria or sumn who knows. I’m hoping not but I don’t think we’ve seen the last of JC, that’s a random ass name that’s prolly standing for Jesus Christ and he has no background & was willing to travel world w her, I think he’ll prolly be back. (2/2)

Oh, wow, you took your extrapolation in unexpected directions. Um, hmmm. I mean, of course you can’t discount any theory, but for now, I don’t think that’s where they’re going.

First, as far as I know, Jesus isn’t exactly known for being the father of a pivotal figure. Second, Ava is pretty much a child herself, it would be…something for the writers to take this person who has been bed bound for most of her short life and barely experienced anything on her own and to then make her pregnant. Third, they’re ALL in a lot of very physical fights, Ava herself, AFTER ep 5 (the one with the sex), has fallen off a cliff, been blown into a wall by her own powers, shot in the chest with an arrow, electrocuted. It would be wild for them to say, yeah, she’s pregnant, and then for us to watch her next season be either in those same situations with a visible belly or laid up for a whole season? I just don’t think that’s anything people want to watch and I’d hope they’d realize that. Fourth, even the Terminator franchise, built on a mom giving birth to the savior premise, in recent years decided that was kind of a sexist concept. 

Maybe this is all just me convincing myself, but yeah, I don’t think that’s really on the horizon. There’s nothing about the halo concept that implies a kid to finish it off. JC might be back though, that seems much more likely.

Lmao JC anon I had the same thought! Anyone raised in Catholicism might’ve caught the JC for Jesus Christ and there’s more connections! Him saving Ava from drowning & her repeatedly telling him she doesn’t need to be rescued. The fact that he always provided all the food. Traveled the world picking up stray people a la the apostles. I’m not saying he’s ~definitely~ meant to be Jesus but I really hope they don’t go there ever lol but they have a satanic figure in Adriel & Michael maybe archangel

Waaait. Now I feel bad for being so incredulous at the other anon because that actually makes…a ton of sense. It really WOULD explain his overinflated part in the plot, including why we had to see that whole odd very specific dynamic spelled out like that, like did we need to see so much of the friends. Huh. Well. Yeah, and for sure, Adriel and Michael are gonna play some kind of role based on the names, a character named JC might yet prove to have his purpose. Innnnteresting.

Was I the only one who thought JC was gonna be revealed as Jesus Christ lmao

Lmao, as WHO? Omg, anon. That’s…kind of genius???? I didn’t even draw that connection, but those are pretty specific initials for a show steeped in Christian…mythology (?) and the fact that Ava’s already been resurrected. I mean, no, I wouldn’t have gotten there on my own in a million years, and I don’t think that’s where they were going, but it would be. Hilarious.