In the first convo w/ Val, she tries to sweep over the ‘betrayal’, when she sees that Val is still hurt and unhappy, she tries to make this out as an experience that will make them stronger and calls back to their love. She’s not ready to admit or believe the ~soulmate~ nature of their relationship so that’s why instead of confronting the events headon, she’s trying to paper over the cracks. This isn’t malicious of her, but it just shows that she’s such a kid still, emotionally, compared to Val

But is she sweeping over it or does it actually mean that little to her? To her, it answered some questions and now she’s over it. Made especially easy by the fact that she was kidnapped immediately after, thought she was going to die multiple times, and then her father revealed himself to her in a different body (and also for the first time in her life was nice to her). Her perspective on things is different than it was in the minutes after it originally happened.

She’s inexperienced, sure, but that doesn’t make her a kid compared to Val, just a different person.

I don’t know that not believing in the soulmate nature of their relationship makes her like a kid emotionally and not more pragmatic, if anything? How would someone with her background so easily believe in a love that deep, when all it’s done is cause more trouble, for both of them? Her whole life she’s seen her mom devoted to one person in a “soulmate” kind of love and she knows the effects it’s had on her AND her mom. Of course she’s going to be very careful about it now. Val is the opposite of Chino in every way, sure, and that’s what she’ll slowly come to accept. She’s tentative about it, and careful. That’s not like a kid at all.

And another anon:

She *doesn’t* get why Val is mad though, otherwise she wouldn’t use “we weren’t together” as an excuse. Or, she gets it viscerally, since she says after that she betrayed Val, but can’t yet openly admit that they never were just friends and never will be just friends, regardless of the circumstances. Last episode, I don’t think Juliana was as committed to resolution of the issues as she was in wanting things to go back to before. That’s why she was so shook by Val knowing about Sergio. She (½)

I didn’t get the second part so I can only reply to this, but which issues should she be committing to resolving? The reason she broke things off with Val was because of outside circumstances, none of which have really changed. Maybe only gotten worse, if anything, since the danger she’s surrounded by was confirmed by her own kidnapping and now Alacran knowing Lupe’s alive.

Separate from that, she’s also figuring out her own sexual identity and dealing with her mother’s homophobia. She’s somewhat resolved at least one of those things, it wasn’t anything to do with Val, it was her own thing. Or so she thought, incorrectly, it had a lot do with Val and she does somewhat sense that, immediately feeling like she’d betrayed her. I don’t know how things would have happened if Val hadn’t found out like she had, if she’d told Val herself, broken it to her in a way that explained things more, or if she’d never intended on telling her. But to Juls, it was something that helped her figure things out and now she was ready to move past that. So it explains why her attitude is one of going back to things with Val as they were after the breakup, friends with something more lingering.

And another anon:

I think my main issue with the “just friends” talk in last night’s episode was that it seemed like you said that Val and Juls were kind of talking past each other and that Juls who usually has a good read on Val’s emotions completely missed what was happening in that scene, but I think after everything w/ Sergio and the trauma of her kidnapping she is just desperate to keep Val around how ever she can &her insecurity wont let her believe that she could have Val fully again after everything ½

It is genuinely heartbreaking to go back and watch early episodes and see how badly El Chino treated Juliana, but when you do it really makes all of her insecurities make sense. The POS literally shouted at Lup when she tried to get him to stay for their daughter that Juls isnt his while she was only a few feet away he also physically jumped at her. Anyone who goes through that would have a hard time understanding/accepting unconditional love even from someone as genuinely kindhearted as Val 2/2

Yeah, and you wrote this before last night’s episode, where we saw old Chino again. Eugh.

I think Juls gets that Val is hurt but what can she do? What options are available to her? How has she handled it before? Twice she’s kissed it away, lol, not possible here, and the other time she’s talked it out, but if you recall, it was Val who instigated that talk and who then started it off, Juls was bashful and hesitant. Juls can participate in discussions and be SO honest but what can she say here that isn’t overstepping or taking liberties? She’s trying to reassure Val as best she can that she’s still all about her, but it’s up to Val to decide where to go from here. This isn’t the place for Juls to be insisting that Val understand everything and be okay with it. 

That would be what she would asking for, wouldn’t it? It would be assuaging her own guilt if she was like, but Val, I still love you, please stop being hurt and mad. Especially when she can’t even offer anything longterm. With the current Alacran and Chino situations her position is even more precarious than before. Alacran kidnapped her, got shot because she hit him, he knows Lupe is alive, and now Chino is back in their lives for real. That’s just revenge and violence heading for them in every way now.