How are you liking the show Hanna?

Tooooo be honest I’m not sure it’s really justified its existence. The original movie was so good and fun, not just for its premise or action (or the amazing actors) but because the execution was so perfect, the music, the colors, not explaining much, Sophie’s…everything. 

The TV show, okay, so it went at least far beyond the story of the movie, it needed to do that, but…I dunno. The mystery from the movie helped it, if anything, finding more about the program that created them isn’t something I was particularly invested in. We’ve all seen the Bourne movies or similar, it’s not going to be anything new. 

I’m not loving it as much as you would expect me to love a show about a teen girl assassin and then even more teen girl assassins. It just takes itself so seriously. I think that’s my major problem with it, my favorite moments are when it lets loose and has fun. I don’t hate it, at all, and I enjoyed the second season more, for a variety of reasons, but it’s not at the top of my faves list at the moment.