Student Accused of Rape By ‘Mattress Girl’ Sues Columbia U., Publishes Dozens of Damning Texts
Sulkowicz made life a living hell for Nungesser
Wow she’s complete trash
She just set so many more women up for the “How do you we know you’re not accusing him for attention” response. You know how many women will never press charges because of her actions. For real, white girls do too much.
I’m gonna repost this and end the confusion… evidently this article strikes a chord with many, even rape victims who feel it is actions like these, or should I saw accusations like these that lead many rape victims to never step forward. That being said, after further research, I am still conflicted about the details in this article. I have noted that there is a negative spin on the content of this article making the rapist appear as the victim, which is not new, to be honest. Many of us have been socialized to fall easily for the notion that the rape victim is a liar, and the fact that she could have lied scares many rape victims. We fear that our rapist and many others will get away with it, because no one will believe us when the others lie.
So after all of that, as a black woman, there have been situations in which white women have lied and claimed rape against black men I know, it’s not a lot, and I myself have lost contact with these men only to find out she was mad and thought her family would help her more if they thought a black man raped her..When a black woman is raped no one, NO ONE, not even their family cares… not to say this isn’t true for other races, but it is significantly truer for black girls.Nonetheless, I do take responsibility for not fully researching the content of the article before reposting,and I’m not being a rape apologist, especially as someone who has be sexually abused since the age of 4 by a myriad of men for 3 years. A woman who’s first sexual partner raped her, a woman who has had countless negative sexual encounters and relented to sex just because the alternative would have been violence. I certainly do not take rape lightly.
And don’t message me about her not being white. She is socialized as white and is white passing and is half white, she has white privilege. But that’s whatever. I haven’t seen shit about the black woman who was raped by an officer while her child was in the bed and she was called a black whore and told no one would be believer her, where is her TIME cover?
So this article absolutely has a negative spin. For one, another article they linked was super rape apologist and terrible and also expertly taken down. Also, sending him messages after the rape doesn’t mean he didn’t rape her. Same with the sexual nature of the messages. This guy is an asshole, and Emma is not the first person to accuse him of shit. What she did was an art project. She’s a visual arts major, so that’s not a false claim. She said it’s a way for her to deal with her trauma.
I really don’t understand where all of this is coming from. Just because someone files a lawsuit doesn’t mean they’re telling the truth. Idk where all the doubt about Emma is coming from now. I mean you guys know this asshole might be lying and trying to discredit HER, right?
I absolutely agree that all the attention she’s getting is a form of privilege in comparison to other rape survivors who don’t get anything like that and are vilified instead. But I think that’s a separate point from doubting Emma’s story. Idk how this post started, so maybe I’m missing something, but I’m just surprised that so much doubt is coming her way just because the guy accused of sexually assaulting her is filing a lawsuit.
I hope I’m not speaking over sexual assault survivors in terms of how her performance art piece is going to impact other people who come forward with accusations. But I don’t think Emma is lying, and I don’t think it’s fair to reach that conclusion based on this article.