You touched on what I found most weird about Juliantina’s scenes last night: Juliana didnt seem to have a proper read on Val’s emotions. I thought the 1st scene with her saying she didn’t like being with Sergio was good, but I found it weird that she didn’t notice how angry Val looked later when she asked how Sergio was or that she didn’t attempt to reassure her that she still has feelings for her when she asked for them to be friends knowing how hurt Val was the last time she suggested that.

I think…there was also not much she could do about it? Or allow herself to do? Like, would it be the time, when the other person is hurt and angry, to keep on focusing on what you feel for them? Especially Juls, who’s seen herself as a burden in this relationship for a while now? It’s one thing to console her with touches and a kiss when the only issue is that you’re not together, a whole ‘nother thing when it’s you who’s hurt the other person.

And another anon:

I was literally shouting at my screen (ok, maybe just in my head) — “No! You do NOT just want to be friends! For the love of all things holy, you are MEANT to be together. You are meant to be together NOW. Come ON!!!” And then I was like, okay, sure, yes, kidnapping, death, rampant homophobia, etc, etc, etc. Okay, okay. But STILL. Las chicas. POR FAVOR. 😉

They really can’t be just friends, I do not see how they’re going to go into a time jump like this. They don’t deserve to?? 

And another anon:

I thought juliantina’s reactions were pretty much in characters n enjoyed it as such. Val’s anger has always exploded For Juliana never At Juliana. Seeing theories wher she will lash out at her seemed OOC .I loved maca’s acting choices in this. Her anger at juls for mentioning mazcal, they way she showed disgust at sergios hug by shoving his shoulder at the end of the hug and then wiping her hands on her jeans, when juls puts her hand on vals she tightens her fit as if shes holding herself back!

Huh, I don’t think I saw that with Sergio, but then I wasn’t watching too closely, lol.

You are right, though, Val was never going to get super angry or hurtful toward Juls. The loudest she’s been with her was “let yourself be loved”, which says a lot, lol.

And other anons:

Why people are disappointed with last night episode?? I think it was great how they were truthful about their feelings. I get that everyone (litterally everyone in the world) wants them to be together but it would be unrealistic for them to get there immediately. Val has been hurt in a 1000 different ways in the last few days and needs time to process her feelings while Juls has family drama and guilt to work through. What it’s great with those 2 it’s how even now you can feel the love btw them

i’m a little mad that Juls didn’t defend the herself more. like Val said ‘so *now* you decide to drink mezcal’ when that should’ve been a huge red flag to her, that Juls was drinking. i wish Juls had drive. home the fact that she was basically homeless, everyone kept telling her she was confused and Sergio 1000% took advantage of her

I don’t think people were necessarily disappointed that they didn’t get together after it, I think people just felt a lot had been left unsaid. 

Also, Juls was hurt in a whole bunch of different ways these last few days. I think there were two things that should have been covered but due to time and plot, ultimately weren’t. One was just what Juls had been going through, you can’t tell me that she could just casually say “I’d left home” and this wouldn’t be a major thing for Val to stop at and dissect? And I haven’t really mentioned it but for Juls to confirm that she didn’t like it shows actually how terrible that day must have been for her, what her frame of mind must have been. AND of course the whole kidnapping thing. They’re feeling sorry for what Sergio’s going through? Um?? If Juls had really said everything

The other thing was how hurt Val was feeling and why. And I think if they’d really gotten into that talk, as well, hashed out everything, how they felt, the strength of their feelings, the outcome of the conversation and ep would be different. Both things, really, would have changed the ep. There’s no way Val would just leave it at that if she truly knew what Juls was going through. But they can’t have them get through all that right now, lol. Having watched today’s ep, like, yes, that Mateo/Eva conversation was awesome for them, it revealed so much, but that’s what’s needed for where their plot needs to be. If Juliantina had something like that (with 1000% less yelling), it would…resolve too much. 

Keeping aside external reasons, it could make sense in the plot too, they just weren’t in the mood for it, Lucho’s death was still hanging over them, they were too raw over everything.

And another anon:

Ok, boss, so Valentina has to put on her Sungay best to get ready for the funeral; Juliana’s already in the room, does Vale change in her en suite? Does Juli go chill with Chivis until Vale’s ready? Does Juli stay? Does Vale ask her to leave? I guess my question is, how much awkward ‘what are we to each other anymore’ energy do you reckon was between them between the bedroom scene and the break up-ception scene? Especially at the funeral with Juli knowing she kinda broke Lucho & Vale up?

Lol, this ask in the middle of the others. I bet Juls was full on averting eyes or straight up left the room, Val was not in the mood for anything like the post-first-kiss or even post-breakup awkwardness. Neither was Juls, of course. I imagine both felt just miserable and guilty at the funeral, and also super weird not just because of Lucho but Sergio.

Oh, oh, though, there was that cute little classic “look at the other when she’s not looking” moment.
